
时间:2024-09-20 16:41:10 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员

The aged person whom I really admire and like is my From my childhood she had been a caring person and loved me very Still she is a good friend of mine whom I share many She is a benevolent and good person who possesses a good She tries to help others with her highest I know her from my childhood as she lives with us and we have lots of happy memories

She is a successful mother of 4 persons including my She has devoted her life for her kids and made them educated and She possesses a nice and charming personality that illuminate people around She is a kind and a wise

I love and admire her or many different The most important reason is because of her unconditional love and affection for She is a good mentor who can shows me positive ways and guide me in my distressed Talking to her is a soothing experience and the story she tells is always attractive and full of I have learned many positive attitudes and good thinking from For all those reasons and a strong bonding between us I admire her very

Tips for answering this cue card topic:

You can talk about one of your relatives who is is a senior citizen like your grandfather, If you talk about one of your grandparents, you would be able to give lots of details since you know a lot about Alternatively, you can talk about one of the aged persons who is your relative, neighbour, friend's grandparents, teacher, a renowned person of your country who has great contribution in some

It is advisory not to talk about a person who is As the issue expects you to talk about the old person who is alive and have some sort of interaction with you or had some intimacy or influences on While describing the qualities s/he has, keep in mind that you should talk in a way so that you can conclude by saying that you admire his/ her for all the previously said qualities s/he has and because of your intimacy/ relationship with him/

Usually we like a senior person for some of the following reasons:

S/he is a relative and has intimacy with

We have some good memories with this S/he ha does many things for

We are close to the person and we share our

S/he is talented and gives us good advises when

Is a successful person and exemplary for

Have some contributions for the betterment of

Is a honest/ brave an very talented

You have learned a lot from him/ He still gives you good

Is kind and a

Is bit strange and you like his/her

Successful parents and led a great

You do some short of activities

Some similar Cue Card topics:

Describe someone in your

Describe a teacher from your

Descried a senior citizen you

Describe someone who is a successful

Talk about one of your

Describe a person you often seek advice

Describe an old person you

Describe a person who led an idea
