
时间:2024-09-20 18:38:42 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员

Most Chinese may be bashful to praise themselves, but I am an I would like to share you with my positive part of Actually, the character I appreciate the most in myself is being optimistic no matter how bad the situation This trait not only offers me the motivation and confidence to complete the task, but also gives me a hand when I facing the problems at For example, once our team was on the edge of deadline of an vital project, while other teammates lost faith in meeting the deadline and were pretty pessimistic about our future, I was the one who stepped out and cheered them up by leading them to walk out of the All in all, my optimism keep my mind clear and calm, so that I could flgure out the keys to tackle the problems faster than those who are affected seriously by their negative So I regard my optimism as my sunshine and source of It really benefits me a lot, therefore, I would like to deliver my happiness to my friends who need to get rid of negative
