
时间:2024-09-20 13:39:30 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员


        Part 1

-What does perfume mean to you??

-Do you give perfume as a gift?

-Do you like hot or cold places?

-Where do you like to play when you were young?

-Do you think it is good to make friends online?

-What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?

-Why do you use social networking apps?

-How often do you use social networking apps?

-Do you happy with your occupation?

-Does the weather change a lot in your country?

-Do you like to go to your friends' house?

-Do you like stay indoor or go outdoor?

-Will the bad weather affect your mood?

Part 2&Part 3

a person who speaks a foreign language

something you bought(or borrowed)but have not used very

a time that you gave advice to

your favorite piece of

a time when you invite someone to have dinner at home or a

a famous person in foreign

a historical building you have been

your favorite singer or

your ideal house or

an impressive

a water sports you would like to try in the

a time when you solved a problem through the

a person who has interesting ideas or

a beautiful garden that you

your grandparent’s

someone you would like to study or work

a special period of time in history in your

a kind of food people eat during a special

an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good

a party you attend and


Describe an important plant in your country

You should say:

What it is

Where you see it

What it looks like

Why it is important








Well, when it comes to this topic, the first kind of plant that popped into my mindis the sunflower, they are pretty common so you probably have seen them Also, Vincent van Gogh, the famous artist from Holland has a painting of them, which is the magnum opus of In his painting, you can feel the energy and passion that sunflowers bring to the people and this beautiful

I saw sunflowers for the first time when I was little, maybe like 5 years old in my grandpa’s small garden, he is a big fan of gardening and has all kinds of flowers in his garden, but sunflowers caught my attention because of their size and bright I remember at the end of the day when my parents and I were leaving, I cried so badly because I wanted to take the flowers back home with

Sunflowers are very important in China because firstly, Chinese people like their spirit of always looking up to the sun, in our culture, we think they are like people with dream, passion and belief, and we think highly of those Secondly, Chinese love to eat sunflower seeds while watching TV, it’s basically like you guys eat pizza while watching game of

Sunflowers are my favourite plants, I hope that in the future, I can have my own small garden so that I can keep some by myself, it would be very beautiful I




Imperial palace



Rock formation

Great wall



Rich culture



Deep impression


Take pictures




Plant life




Deep gorges



Deep valley




Steep canyons



On tour






The shore


all about my leisure time

your hobbies and spare time are a very common topic and it follows after you have answered some questions about studies or

Spend time with


Surf the internet

Crazy about



A fan of


Lang out with


Get together with




Take classes in


Keep in touch with

Internet cafe


Keep fit

Have a good time







Take pictures

Go out with

Have a trip

Kill time



Describe a person that has made a contribution to the

You should say:

Who this person is

How do you know about this person

What contribution he/she made

And explain how you felt about this


I’m sure I’m not the first person to say that teaching is a very important job in society, but I’d like to talk about someone who I saw on TV, who works in very underprivileged areas in programme I saw told the story of a young American teacher, whose name escapes me right He had recently graduated and was sent to teach in a very poor area in He primarily taught the students science, but was also called upon to help break up fights or talk to the students when they had

As a teacher, the man obviously had to be knowledgeable, organised and But due to the testing conditions he also had to be particularly patient and disciplined, whilst maintaining a good rapport with the In the beginning this was very hard as they didn’t respect or trust him, but eventually he earned their trust and managed to get through to

I think teaching is important to society no matter where you are based, but teaching in such a difficult environment is even more admirable and important as the students are in even greater For a lot of them, education is the only way to drag them-selves out of poverty and escape a life of crime or Even if they are not always successful and may feel like they are banging their head against a brick wall sometimes, it is important for these teachers to continue


I really admired a senior student, Lin, who is keen on helping students from rural and impoverished I met her in a university club which aims to help the vulnerable She told me that she became a volunteer teacher since she entered this And almost every summer holidays, she went to those undeveloped villages in Fujian Province to each local primary school Moreover, Lin often oragnised some fancy fairs to raise money for poor children to buy stationeries and study materials, such as bags or pencil What surprised me the most was that she gave up some decent offers from International companies but insisted on supporting education in rural As the only child in the family, many youngsters tend to be self-centered and seldom concern about others, but not did When I asked her why she could sacrifice so much for those children she didn’t even know, she said she wanted to make a difference for those poor children who deserve better Even though she was only an ordinary person, but what she did made her a respectable person that make a contribution to the society


How to be a good member in the society?

?What kinds of jobs are well-paid in your country?

?How do university students make their career plans in your country?

?What kinds of jobs deserve higher salaries in the future?

?Does university education help students to find a good job in your country?

?Do people like to talk about their salaries with their friends in your country?


Describe a person who was helpful to your work or

You should say:

Who it was;

What this person did;

How this person helped;

and explain how you felt after this person helped




My colleague Jenny was the answer to the She is a warm-hearted and smart The first two months in my current company was a hard time when I met all kinds of I couldn’t adapt to the new environment or catch the pace of the But as a newbie, I really wanted to perform Everyone seemed unfriendly and cold except Jenny saw through my awkwardness and uneasiness in the first week because I was always the latest one to One day she seemed to intentionally wait for me for a long time to go with her and asked me what she could do for Since we were in the same department, I was very thankful to her I expressed my confusions and helplessness of my She gave me some useful advice and time management Offering her working experience, she showed a great sense of understanding to my In the following days, she even encouraged me to communicate with other Everything began to be on track since

I once asked Jenney that why she was willing to offer me so much help during that She said she thought that I was a great and ambitious And more importantly, I looked like her little Oh my It’s my look that plays a role! However, I will appreciate her kindness all the The story told me to be more open minded to a new There are always nice guys who are willing to make contacts with Moreover, try to become a warm-hearted and enthusiastic person just like Be a torch that will illuminate others’ dark sky, which is also worthwhile to remember when you are



超市里可学的单词更是举不胜举。洗发水飘柔rejoice( 使高兴)、面巾纸清风breeze( 微风)。通常,在面巾纸的外包装上,大都可以看到handkerchief( 手帕,纸巾)、在大多数饮料瓶上则大都印有nutrition(营养)、energy(热量)、protein(蛋白质)、carbohydrate(碳水化合物)、calorie(卡路里)等重要单词,超市里的商品可谓琳琅满目,只要用心发现,雅思口语常用词汇随处可见。



不少公司、企业的牌匾都是中英两种文字书写的。最常见的如国有四大银行:中国银行(Bank of China)、中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)、中国建设银行(China Construction Bank)、中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)。另外,还有交通银行(Bank of Communications)和招商银行(China Merchants Bank)。注意:这些黑体标注的单词可都是我们各类考试中常考的,观察这些牌匾能让你发现不少学过的单词其实一直就在你身边呢,所以要好好利用日常生活学习雅思口语哦。


大街上各种车辆川流不息,不知你仔细看过它们的品牌没有,其中不少都是英文单词:日本丰田旗下的corolla( 花冠)和crown( 皇冠);本田的accord ( 一致)、韩国现代的sonata( 奏鸣曲)、以及韩国现代的refine( 精炼;精制),还有铃木的swift( 迅速的)系列、大众的golf( 高尔夫)系列、菲亚特fiat( 命令)等等。记下这些单词,回家查查它们的意思,你会发现它们的中文译名和在英文里的意思还并不完全一样呢。不过,也别有一番乐趣,喜欢名车的同学们不仅开拓了眼界,也增加了词汇量,可谓一举两得呢。



Glad to meet you

How nice to see

Fancy seeing

How are you?

I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you

I’m glad to meet

I’m please to meet

It’s a pleasure to meet


Could you please rephrase that question / topic?

I’m not exactly sure what you mean…



Do you mean…?

If I understand right,…

I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?

I’m sorry, I’m not sure I Do you mean (that)…?

So am I right in saying…?

If I’ve got the picture, then…

So what you mean is…, right?

Sorry I don’t quite catch You mean…?

Can I get one thing clear?

Would I be correct in supposing…?


I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…

That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…

I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…


That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…

I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps…

Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I

That’s an interesting question…let me Well, I suppose that…

Yes, that’s a big


1.special gift:

What is the gift? Who give it to you? What is it for? Try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift children received now. and just image the gift in the future children will receive. describe the gift u like most, an tell the reason, Who give u? and u can describe the ways people send others gift.


What is the interesting building in you country? What is it located? what is used for? Explain why you think it is the most interesting?


what is your best friend? and how you met and what do your think the difference between adult and children making friend? tell me the way u make friends with others. and u think what people should be your friends?

4.describe the festival in your country:

e.g: spring festival

Chinese New Eve:1.dinner(family gathering);2.special program on CCTV to welcome the CNY;

Chinese New Years Day:1.visiting relatives;2.friends visiting.(all ting/eating/drinking);

the rest of the days:




describe your latest travel in detail. with whom? and the destination, it take u how long to get to the destination. describe the natural scene. some interesting things happened during your travel? can u describe it for me? your reason to travel is what?


give me some opinion on the transportation in your city. compare the different transportation, such as between plane, train, car. can u just image the transportation in the future and describe it for me? just compare the transportation in the past and now. u like what transportation and why.

7.meaningful things:



describe the role music play in our life. what effects will take p
