
时间:2024-09-20 13:32:10 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员

What kind of preparation do people need to do when they’re about to go traveling somewhere?

Well, firstly, it's quite essential(替换important) that they book a hotel in Also, it’s best to know what kind of weather they will experience in the place they’re traveling For instance, if they’re going to a place where it rains frequently, they have to bring umbrellas with

If you got lost and didn’t have a map when you’re traveling somewhere, what would you do ?

First of all, I have to say I don't easily get lost because I have a great sense of direction, but I guess if I did get lost(虚拟语气), I would just call my local friends to tell me where I was and how to find my way back to my Plus, perhaps I would just call a taxi and ask the driver to take me
