
时间:2024-09-20 16:53:54 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员


A good paper is not written out, but modified out, which requires patience, but also hard. In the process of writing the paper, I encountered many problems, some of which are beyond the scope of their ability, whenever they can not write their own ideas or thoughts do not go, I will appear impetuous mood, but I Did not give up, but in a timely manner to adjust their mentality, with the help of students in the teacher, completed the first paper writing. The more you do not understand the things you want to learn, in the learning process you will gain a lot, one point is to learn from each other is the best way to learn, after learning you will feel a sense of accomplishment, which I completed After the production site to experience.

Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back down, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the problem. In the work to learn to cooperate with the attitude, listen carefully to the views of others, so start things can be less effective.

The successful completion of the paper, first of all I would like to thank my teacher and teacher Tang Jianhua around the help of friends, thank them for their valuable comments and suggestions. In addition, I would like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knowledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knowledge of professional courses, which is the basis for the paper to be completed.


The results of the thesis are mainly two points: First, sort out the situation of human resources management, optimize the process of human resource management supervision, human resources management to achieve the process of information management; Second, the effective implementation of information sharing and dynamic management, Information accuracy and timeliness, make the right analysis for decision makers and managers, and provide the appropriate basis.

In the system development process, the choice of development tools and technology, the demand for the entire system and system operating environment operating results have a great impact. The foreground of the system is to use JSP as the development language, the background database management system uses SQL Server, the development environment is My Eclipse, the server is using Tomcat, will be developed to complete a B / S structure based on Web technology human resources information management system .

Enterprise human resources information management system design is through the use of database SQL Server20xx, Tomcat and Java language and other aspects of knowledge and technology, is a human resources management information management system development and design of typical cases. In the settlement of the actual cumbersome operation laid the foundation.

Combining the deepening of theoretical knowledge is another distillation of theoretical knowledge, but also found a lot of deficiencies, especially in the development of tools is not detailed enough, the future also need to continue efforts in this regard.

The learning experience taught me to learn, not only to expand the knowledge, but also to learn new ideas, the future has to be meticulous, the attitude of excellence, and maintain assiduously, for the study of hard work momentum. I believe that experience with these two years experience, I will have a better tomorrow out of the campus.















A good paper is not written out, but modified out, which requires patience, but also hard. In the process of writing the paper, I encountered many problems, some of which are beyond the scope of their ability, whenever I can not write their own ideas or thinking to run, I will appear impetuous mood, but I Did not give up, but to adjust their attitude in a timely manner, with the help of classmates teacher, completed the first paper writing. The more you do not understand the things you want to learn, in the learning process you will gain a lot, one point is to learn from each other is the best way to learn, after learning you will feel a sense of accomplishment, which I completed After the production site to experience.

Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back down, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the problem. In the work to learn to cooperate with the attitude, seriously listen to the views of others, so start things can be less effective.

The successful completion of the paper, first of all I would like to thank my teacher and teacher Tang Jianhua around the help of friends, thank them for their valuable comments and suggestions. In addition, I would like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knowledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knowledge of professional courses, which is the basis for the paper to be completed.












要对幼儿实行完备的教诲,家长的共同是分不开的,也更必要老师和家长之间的交换与雷同。开学时,我们召开家长会,向家长报告筹划及要求。家访中,及时反馈幼儿在园内的生存环境,共同商讨育儿要领,有针对性的密切共同。家长开放活动中,认真预备教诲活动,让家长看到幼儿的环境,相识幼儿园的讲授程度,对家长提出有益发起我积极采取,家长提出意见我客气的担当,家长对我们的事变非常支持和满意,为此,在本次故里接洽表问卷观察中,家长对我们事变满意率达 100%,徐天益小朋侪的家长说:“我们对幼儿园的老师表现谢谢,她们教会了徐天益很多知识,资助徐天益作育好风俗”潘宋义小朋侪的家长说:“自从把潘宋义转到钟家村幼儿园,我们以为他的性格变得开朗多了,在家里爱说爱笑,也爱找小朋侪玩了” 付哲小朋侪的家长说:“小孩交给你们幼儿园的老师,我们家长非常放心,谢谢老师对小孩的作育”家长们的话言句句都倾注了对我的信托,同时也给了我极大的鼓励。









今年我不仅在学习上有丰厚的收获,而且在思想上更加进步。面对\汶川地震\和\西北旱灾 \,我主动关注灾区同胞的情况并力所能及的捐款;在长江水产研究所组织的\纪念建国xx周年\征文活动中,我获得了一等奖;在xx月份,我郑重而又激动的宣读了入党誓词,正式成为一名预备党员。虽然我还要经过1年的考察才能成为正式党员,但是这1年来我一直以党员的身份严格要求自己,吃苦在前,享乐在后,积极主动的帮助他人,树立党员的良好形象。这一年让我对党有更深刻的认识,让我更加相信在党的领导下祖国会更美好。我热切期待成为正式党员的那一天。



















Four years of college life is coming to an end, looking back on the campus life and social practice, laughter, sadness, success, of course, there are failures, but I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, to self- And strive to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view, but more in this period I learned a lot of books can not learn the knowledge, accomplishment and

On the ideological and moral, I have a good moral cultivation, and a firm political direction, concerned about the state of the times, and actively to move closer to the party, so I have a more profound understanding of our party and sincere enthusiasm often participate in schoolOrganization of volunteer activities, to care for and help others!

In learning, due to the frustration brought about by the college entrance examination, there was a negative, to cherish the learning opportunities given by this school, with never had the spirit of hard work to learn their own professional, but also the use of spare time to learn some network and office Software to enrich themselves, and in the school has been affirmed, even three years of school scholarships, I believe that in the future theory and practice of combining, to have greater progress to

In life and work, of course, I also have their own shortcomings, that is, too straightforward temperament, and need to do things calm and stable we go I am enthusiastic about the work of class and student union, hard working, strong sense of responsibility, friendly, pay attention to with other student cadres excellent Of the completion of the work, we have been unanimously

Now I have a young and knowledge, I can use enthusiasm and vitality, confidence and knowledge to overcome the difficulties of life and work after graduation, with their own learning ability and analysis to deal with problems coordination, management ability to complete the future beautiful life .


A good paper is not written out, but modified out, which requires patience, but also In the process of writing the paper, I encountered many problems, some of which are beyond the scope of their ability, whenever they can not write their own ideas or thoughts do not go, I will appear impetuous mood, but I Did not give up, but in a timely manner to adjust their mentality, with the help of students in the teacher, completed the first paper The more you do not understand the things you want to learn, in the learning process you will gain a lot, one point is to learn from each other is the best way to learn, after learning you will feel a sense of accomplishment, which I completed After the production site to

Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back down, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the In the work to learn to cooperate with the attitude, listen carefully to the views of others, so start things can be less

The successful completion of the paper, first of all I would like to thank my teacher and teacher Tang Jianhua around the help of friends, thank them for their valuable comments and In addition, I would like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knowledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knowledge of professional courses, which is the basis for the paper to be









要对幼儿实行完备的教诲,家长的共同是分不开的,也更必要老师和家长之间的交换与雷同。开学时,我们召开家长会,向家长报告筹划及要求。家访中,及时反馈幼儿在园内的生存环境,共同商讨育儿要领,有针对性的密切共同。家长开放活动中,认真预备教诲活动,让家长看到幼儿的环境,相识幼儿园的讲授程度,对家长提出有益发起我积极采取,家长提出意见我客气的担当,家长对我们的事变非常支持和满意,为此,在本次故里接洽表问卷观察中,家长对我们事变满意率达 100%,徐天益小朋侪的家长说:“我们对幼儿园的老师表现谢谢,她们教会了徐天益很多知识,资助徐天益作育好风俗”潘宋义小朋侪的家长说:“自从把潘宋义转到钟家村幼儿园,我们以为他的性格变得开朗多了,在家里爱说爱笑,也爱找小朋侪玩了” 付哲小朋侪的家长说:“小孩交给你们幼儿园的老师,我们家长非常放心,谢谢老师对小孩的作育”家长们的话言句句都倾注了对我的信托,同时也给了我极大的鼓励。










1. Evaluation of the quality of the paper, in the discipline or national economic construction on the value or theoretical significance

In recent years, the rapid development of animal husbandry in China, the total output value of animal husbandry has reached 35% of total agricultural output value, animal husbandry in China's agricultural production structure, the proportion is growing. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for livestock and poultry, and plays an important role in promoting animal calcium, phosphorus absorption, egg shell formation and bone development. At present for the aquaculture industry, livestock and poultry vitamin D supplementation, mainly through the dietary or drinking water to add micron-grade vitamin D3, vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamins, direct absorption absorption rate is relatively low, biology Titer is not high, with the development of nanotechnology in recent years, nanomaterials gradually being recognized and accepted. Some studies have shown that the use of nanotechnology can change the water-soluble vitamin-soluble vitamins, improve the bioavailability of vitamins. At the same time, through the fat-soluble vitamin D3 nano-can also improve the compatibility between the vitamin and feed processing. So far, the study of vitamin nano-focus mainly in the compound nano-vitamins, complex nano-vitamins as a complex, additive effect is difficult to explain clearly. To date, no studies have been conducted on the production of single fat-soluble vitamins in poultry production. This experiment was designed for the above reasons. The aim of this study is to evaluate the biological potency of nanovitamin D3 with the reference of ordinary vitamin D3, and to provide theoretical basis for its industrial production and practical application of animal husbandry.

2. Point out the innovation of the paper or innovation

(1) The application of solid nano-VD3 in laying hens was studied for the first time.

(2) In this study, based on the study of the effects of laying hens on performance, egg quality and tibia development, the dietary supplementation of nano-VD3 was determined to further optimize the calcium and phosphorus metabolism, to obtain the best health level and maximum potential performance. , The expected results for the scientific feeding layer, effectively guarantee the healthy growth of laying hens provides a new idea, with high application value.

(3) By comparing the advantages of nano-VD3 compared with conventional vitamin VD3 in breeding.

(4) the preparation of vitamin nanoparticles for the use of laying hens to study whether to improve the utilization of VD3

3. My research ability

During the graduate, actively participate in academic exchange activities, strictly follow the scientific rigorous study and research attitude, seek truth from facts, earnestly study, and continuously improve the scientific research ability. According to the guidance of instructors, read a lot of literature, and gradually clear the research direction, to determine their own research topics. In the experimental research stage, in strict accordance with the experimental program for research, can be used flexibly to solve the problems encountered in the trial, and constantly improve their ability to solve problems. Through their own continuous efforts, as well as with teachers and students to explore the exchange, so that their access to literature, comprehensive analysis of the basic quality of continuous improvement, the ability to express written temper has also been temper, especially independent thinking and research ability, Great progress, published during the student-related academic papers and independent completion of the thesis.

4. The main shortcomings of the paper

(1) In this study, the effect of adding vitamin D3 and vitamin D3 on the related indexes of laying hens was studied. It is necessary to further study whether the test animals have the same additive effect on other animals.

(2) The levels of vitamin D3 and vitamin D3 were 100 300 900 2700IU / kg, respectively. The proportion of vitamin D3 in the layers was 900-2700 IU / kg according to the method of equal ratio. In the actual production, The level of some large, should be further designed gradient test of different concentrations to explore the vitamin D3 in the diet the most appropriate level of added.


A good paper is not written out, but modified out, which requires patience, but also hard. In the process of writing the paper, I encountered many problems, some of which are beyond the scope of their ability, whenever they can not write their own ideas or thoughts do not go, I will appear impetuous mood, but I Did not give up, but in a timely manner to adjust their mentality, with the help of students in the teacher, completed the first paper writing. The more you do not understand the things you want to learn, in the learning process you will gain a lot, one point is to learn from each other is the best way to learn, after learning you will feel a sense of accomplishment, which I completed After the production site to experience.

Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back down, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the problem. In the work to learn to cooperate with the attitude, listen carefully to the views of others, so start things can be less effective.

The successful completion of the paper, first of all I would like to thank my teacher and teacher Tang Jianhua around the help of friends, thank them for their valuable comments and suggestions. In addition, I would like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knowledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knowledge of professional courses, which is the basis for the paper to be completed.


Through four years of the door to survive, I grew a lot. At the time of my graduation, I made a summary of my four years of experience and feelings, and as a guide to my future initiatives. Mind, I seek to move forward, the mind has made great progress in consciousness. I love the country, love the people, decisively attached to the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system. I think the price of a person by his society for others to do the honor to measure, I participate in the cause of the Chinese Communist Party is to actively achieve their own costs. I earnestly studied all kinds of theories of the Party and actively paid them to practice to have a clearer understanding of the Party.

Learning, I think the door to the important task of students or learn cultural knowledge, so I learn in the sense, not to relax. I think that a good learning method to learn very good knowledge, so in each test, I sum up a city learning experience. But to deal with our computer-related professional disciples, the optical optical good books on the knowledge is far from enough. I often use the spare time to read the computer class books, and participated in a number of computer degree of qualification tests, successfully obtained certificate, certificate, certificate. I kept looking for the sublimation of character, pay attention to their own conduct, to independent thinking as their motto, when not forgetting. With the progress of learning, I not only learned the mass foundation of knowledge and a lot of professional knowledge, my mind has a qualitative Pentium, a faster grasp of a new skill knowledge, I think this is very tense for the future.Such as the Department of Health students will campaign, the yard structure of the speech contest, arts and cultural festival of the arts show, English speech contest. In the process of participating in these activities, I make friends with some good friends, learned the manners of doing things, to cultivate their own skills.

Social practice has made great progress. Four years in college, I participated in a lot of school activities and did some social practice.Do tutors, volunteers, dumping and planners, and occasionally feel tired, but increased with other students to exchange and to learn from their opportunities, to develop their own communication skills, learn the strengths of others, Clear the drawbacks of their own, let the door to survive more colorful.
