
时间:2024-09-20 13:56:48 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员


The goose with the golden eggs

One morning a countryman went to his goose's nest, and saw a yellow and glittering1 egg

He took the egg To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure

Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his

The countryman became more and more He wanted to get all the gold at once, so he killed the goose, when he looked inside, he found nothing in its







The pig & Watermelon

In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the They planted some

When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the day, the sun was burning like a fire, it was terribly hot on the The mother pig said to the little pig:"Lulu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok?" Lulu said happily:"Ok! No "

Then he ran to the watermelon When he got to the field, he was happy to find so many big green He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the Then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to carry it

"Wow!It's so heavy!" Lulu tried several times, but he And he was socked with He wiped his sweat off and decided to have a he saw the monkey He was playing with a Lulu patted his head and said:"I've got " He thought,the round hoop can roll, the watermelon round too,then it can roll then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward last he got home with the mother pig knew the story, she exclaimed:"My child, you're really clever!"

春天的时候,猪妈妈带着小猪噜噜,在山坡下种了一大片西瓜。到了夏天,西瓜地里结满了又圆又大的西瓜。有一天,太阳光火辣辣地照着大地,天啊,可热了。猪妈妈对小猪说:“噜噜,你到咱们的地里摘个大西瓜回来解解渴吧!”小猪噜噜高兴地说:“好吧!”说完就往西瓜地里跑。到了地里一看。呵,到处躺着大西瓜,水灵灵的,真惹人喜爱!噜噜挑了个最大的摘了下来。它双手搂着西瓜,想抱起来放在肩上扛回家。“哟,好重呀!”噜噜试着抱了几次都没有抱起来,还累得满头大汗。 它直起身来,擦了擦脸上的汗水想休息一下,再去试试抱西瓜。突然,它看到小猴皮皮在山下边的马路上滚铁环玩呢。小猪噜噜一拍后脑勺高兴地说:“有了,我有办法了。”什么办法呢?小猪噜噜心想:铁环是圆的,可以滚动。西瓜也是圆的,不也可以滚动吗?想到这儿啊,小猪噜噜顾不上休息,把大西瓜放在地上。咕噜噜,咕噜噜地向前滚,一直把西瓜滚到家里。猪妈妈看到小猪噜噜把又圆又大的西瓜搬回家,夸奖噜噜是个爱动脑筋的猪娃娃!



Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful They replied, ;The ; The Ass resolved that he would only live upon dew, and in a short time died of



The cage-bird and the bat 笼子里的鸟与蝙蝠

A singing-bird was confined1 in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were One night a bat came and clung2 to the bars of the cage, and asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at "I have a very good reason for doing so," said the bird: "it was once when I was singing in the daytime that a fowler was attracted by my voice, and set his nets for me and caught Since then I have never sung except by " But the bat replied, "It is no use your doing that now when you are a If only you had done so before you were caught, you might still have been "

Precautions3 are useless after the




The Ugly Duckling

IT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand The spot was as wild as the centre of a thick In this snug retreat sat a duck on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was beginning to get tired of her task, for the little ones were a long time coming out of their shells, and she seldom had any The other ducks liked much better to swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a burdock leaf, to have a gossip with At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, “Peep, ” “Quack, quack,” said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green Their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the “How large the world is,” said the young ducks, when they found how much more room they now had than while they were inside the “Do you imagine this is the whole world?” asked the mother; “Wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parson’s field, but I have never ventured to such a Are you all out?” she continued, rising; “No, I declare, the largest egg lies there I wonder how long this is to last, I am quite tired of it;” and she seated herself again on the

“Well, how are you getting on?” asked an old duck, who paid her a



Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful They replied, ;The ; The Ass resolved that he would only live upon dew, and in a short time died of




Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together in the shade of a Strange as it may seem, one was a lion and one was a They had met when they were too young to know the difference between lions and So they did not think their friendship was at all Besides, it was a peaceful part of the mountains, possibly due to the influence of a gentle forest monk who lived He was a hermit , one who lives far away from other

For some unknown reason, one day the two friends got into a silly The tiger said, ;Everyone knows the cold netes when the moon wanes from full to new!; The lion said, ;Where did you hear such nonsense ? Everyone knows the cold netes when the moon waxes from new to full!;

The argument got stronger and Neither could convince the They could not reach any conclusion to resolve the growing They even started calling each other names! Fearing for their friendship, they decided to go ask the learned forest monk, who would surely know about such

Visiting the peaceful hermit, the lion and tiger bowed respectfully and put their question to The friendly monk thought for a while and then gave his ;It can be cold in any phase of the moon, from new to full and back to new It is the wind that brings the cold, whether from west or north or Therefore, in a way, you are both right! And neither of you is defeated by the The most important thing is to live without conflict, to remain Unity is best by all ;

The lion and tiger thanked the wise They were happy to still be














翻译: Little duck was saved

A lively lovable duck But, by the river, he looked at east, west, carelessly fall in a big and deep

He desperately to shout: "help! Help!" Little monkey just passing by, heard shouts hurried said, "little duck, don't worry, I tried to deliver you " He took a long bamboo pole into a pit, let little duck live Bamboo is too slippery, can not duck Little bear brother to call

Bear brother hurriedly to a bucket of water and said, "little duck, don't worry, I poured water into a pit, you " The water into a pit, a But the figure is very loose pit, not to mention if two buckets of water, underground water into the early, little monkey had to find an elephant's

Elephants are not afraid to say: "uncle, running nose with me you up!" But a short nose, elephant

At that time, little monkey brains said: "we clap a water, duck can float ~" together, and took the waters to pit, finally duck bobbed up, saved ~!

Thanks for all the little ducks, together with the sunshine joyful songs play games together, to return





My wife will go to any extreme to keep people from,knowing she is home

One evening when I was working late,my wife heard a knock on the She ignosed it,but the knocing Frantic,sloe began to bark,softly at first,then louder and Much to her relief,the knocking soon

The next day the paper boy came to the door to "I came by last night,"he told me,"but I left when your wife barked at me!"






A motorist got caught in one of those new radar

He had been driving home one night when the automatic camera identified his car as exceeding the speed

Soon after,he received a ticket in the mail,plus a picture of this vehicle with the date and speed recorded on

Duly impressed, he sent back the ticket, along with a photo of a $100 bill to pay the












A tiger is hungry, he is looking for He sees a frog in front of

“Haha! A frog! My dinner!” so he rushes at the

Behind the tiger, there is a The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger’s

“Ouch!” cries the tiger and he looks The frog hears the voice and jumps into

“Thank you, little ” says the

But the tiger is very “Bother it! I’ll throw you to the sky!”

“Thank you, I like flying in the sky,” says the

The tiger stops, “I will throw you into the ”

“Oh, no! I can’t swim; I will die if you throw me into the ” The tiger threw the tortoise into the water

“Thank you, ” The tortoise and the frog swim away








A woman came into our bank to get a check cashed,but she didn't have an account with

When I asked her for some identification, she showed me several charge cards,her Social Security card and a library

I told her we needed a driver's license,but she didri t have

"Don't you have something with your picture on it?"I

"Oh, sure,"she said as she flipped to a family photo in her

"That's me in the back "


One day the wolf said to the fox, "You go home and lie in I'll tell the rabbit that you are When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch " That's a good idea," said the

He went home at The wolf went to the rabbit's house and knocked at the "Who is it?" asked the "It's the I've come to tell you that the fox is " Then the wolf went

The rabbit went to the fox's He looked in through the window and saw the fox lying in bed with his eyes He thought, "Is the fox really dead or is he pretending to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go near " so he said, "The wolf says that the fox is But he doesn't look like a dead The mouth of a dead fox is always " When the fox heard this, he thought, "I'll show him that I'm " So he opened his

The rabbit knew that the fox wasn't dead, and he ran as quickly as he



Long ago,there was a big cat in the He caught many mice while they were

One day the mice had a meetingto talk about the way to deal with their common Some said this,, andsome said

At last a young mouse gotup, and said that he had a good

"We could tie a bellaround the neck of the Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound ofthe bell, and run "

Everyone approved of thisproposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well,but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, butnobody







The goose with the golden eggs

One morning a countryman went to his goose's nest, and saw a yellow and glittering1 egg

He took the egg To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure

Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his

The countryman became more and more He wanted to get all the gold at once, so he killed the goose, when he looked inside, he found nothing in its







The cage-bird and the bat 笼子里的鸟与蝙蝠

A singing-bird was confined1 in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were One night a bat came and clung2 to the bars of the cage, and asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at "I have a very good reason for doing so," said the bird: "it was once when I was singing in the daytime that a fowler was attracted by my voice, and set his nets for me and caught Since then I have never sung except by " But the bat replied, "It is no use your doing that now when you are a If only you had done so before you were caught, you might still have been "

Precautions3 are useless after the




The pig & Watermelon

In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the They planted some

When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the day, the sun was burning like a fire, it was terribly hot on the The mother pig said to the little pig:"Lulu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok?" Lulu said happily:"Ok! No "

Then he ran to the watermelon When he got to the field, he was happy to find so many big green He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the Then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to carry it

"Wow!It's so heavy!" Lulu tried several times, but he And he was socked with He wiped his sweat off and decided to have a he saw the monkey He was playing with a Lulu patted his head and said:"I've got " He thought,the round hoop can roll, the watermelon round too,then it can roll then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward last he got home with the mother pig knew the story, she exclaimed:"My child, you're really clever!"

春天的时候,猪妈妈带着小猪噜噜,在山坡下种了一大片西瓜。到了夏天,西瓜地里结满了又圆又大的西瓜。有一天,太阳光火辣辣地照着大地,天啊,可热了。猪妈妈对小猪说:“噜噜,你到咱们的地里摘个大西瓜回来解解渴吧!”小猪噜噜高兴地说:“好吧!”说完就往西瓜地里跑。到了地里一看。呵,到处躺着大西瓜,水灵灵的,真惹人喜爱!噜噜挑了个最大的摘了下来。它双手搂着西瓜,想抱起来放在肩上扛回家。“哟,好重呀!”噜噜试着抱了几次都没有抱起来,还累得满头大汗。 它直起身来,擦了擦脸上的汗水想休息一下,再去试试抱西瓜。突然,它看到小猴皮皮在山下边的马路上滚铁环玩呢。小猪噜噜一拍后脑勺高兴地说:“有了,我有办法了。”什么办法呢?小猪噜噜心想:铁环是圆的,可以滚动。西瓜也是圆的,不也可以滚动吗?想到这儿啊,小猪噜噜顾不上休息,把大西瓜放在地上。咕噜噜,咕噜噜地向前滚,一直把西瓜滚到家里。猪妈妈看到小猪噜噜把又圆又大的西瓜搬回家,夸奖噜噜是个爱动脑筋的猪娃娃!


The deer feared the leopard1 cat, the leopard cat feared the tiger, and the tiger the brown

The brown bear resembled the fox but was bigger in It had long fur on its head, and could stand up like It had great strength and would devour2

In the south of the State of Chu, there was a hunter good at With a bamboo pipe he could imitate the cries of various kinds of wild

Once, carrying his bow, arrows and firearms, he quietly went hunting in the

Up on the mountain, he first imitated the cries of the deer to lure3 the horde4 of deer to come over, so that he could shoot at them with the The leopard cat heard the cries of the deer and came running to devour the The hunter was afraid of the leopard cat, so he hurriedly imitated the roar of the tiger to scare away the leopard Hardly had the leopard cat been scared away when the tiger heard the roar and At this moment, the hunter was even more frightened, so he imitated the cries of the brown As a result, the tiger was scared away like the leopard

Then, when the brown bear heard the cries, it came to look for its Seeing that it was a man, the brown bear at once struck him with its front paws, and tore him up with its In a short while, the hunter was torn to pieces and devoured5 by the brown



Story1 The Hippo and I

A hippo lives in the I like him very I often go to see He often thinks of me, Today is It is fine I go to see him After I leave the zoo, he follows me to my I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and other He eats them When I sing songs, he stays in the He is as quite as a

In the evening, he jumps onto my bed with My mum tells him to go He has to pack his bag and go back to the My mum lets me see him every





be concentrating on sth


Yi Qiu was known as the most famous expert at chess throughout the land.


Once he gave lessons on chess to two men.


One of them was completely absorbed in his teaching, listening attentively to Yi Qiu while the other, who seemed to be listening, had his mind on something else.

一个认真的听课,完全沉浸于其中。 另一个尽管看上去也在听课,其实在想其它的事情。

In fact, he was having a fancy that a swan was flying towards him and he had in his hands a bow and an arrow, ready to shoot.


As a result, though he was having the same lesson together with the first man, yet he turned out a much inferior student.


If one is not concentrating on his study, no skills will be learned.


大家是不是一直对“be concentrated on sth”和“be concentrating on sth”感到有些迷惑呢?今天就有我来给大家讲解一下吧~


The teacher wrote two sentences on the whiteboard and asked us what’s the difference. “He is very concentrated on…” and “He is very concentrating on.”

老师在白板上写下两句话,让我们说出区别,这两句句子是“He is very concentrated on…”和“He is very concentrating on.”

A girl sits besides me said it was very similar as the way “surprised” and “surprising” is used.

做在我身边的女孩说这两句句子的区别就是“surprised”和 “surprising” 的区别类似。

He is surprised means he is surprised by something. He is surprising means he himself is something surprising.

“He is surprised”意思就是“他感到很惊喜”,而“He is surprising”意思则是“他总是让别人感到很惊喜。”

“Good,” the teacher says,”Concentrated means something with high density, like concentrated jam and orange juice. If you want to say the person is focusing on something mentally you should use ‘He is concentrating on…’”.

“非常好,”老师说,“Concentrated就是说某样东西西密度很高,浓度很大,就像是果酱、橘子汁”,但如果你想说某人专心致志做某事就是“He is concentrating on…”.

Oh….. my goodness, I must have been saying he is concentrated on … for decades now.

哦,我的天啊,我至少说“he is concentrated on……”有十年时间了。

