
时间:2024-09-20 18:42:35 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员


Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)(略)

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)?

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices mared A), B), C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?

Passage One?

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:?

There are three basic ways in which individual economic units interact with one another. They are the market system, the administered system, and the traditional system.?

In a market system, individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the market place. Transactions may take place through barter or money exchange. In a barter economy,real goods such as automobiles, shoes, and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade an old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task. Hence the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably.?

An alternative to the market system is administered control by some agency over all transactions. This agency will issue laws or commands as to how much each goods and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit. Central planning may be one way of administering such an economy. The central plan drawn up by the government shows the amount of each commodity produced by the various firms and distributed to different households for consumption.?

In a traditional society, production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition. Each person′s place with the economic system is fixed by parentage, religion, and custom. Transactions take place on the basis of tradition, too




Ⅰ 词汇命题趋势





1.同义、近义辨析题 词汇区别是词汇测试的一个重要方面,它主要是对同义词或近义词在含义与用法上进行区别。这类试题的'选项是四个词性相同、词义相同或相近的词。测试的目的在于检测考生辨别词义和运用词汇的能力。词汇区别一直是学生在学习英语过程中遇到的一大难题。这主要是由于他们没有掌握汉英两种语言在词汇方面的差异,往往只注意英语的汉语释义,而忽略了其本身的内在涵义和用法。

eg. The driver of the lorry sustained only minor to legs and arms. A. hurt B. wound C. harm D. injury 答案 D。



2.近形词汇题 英语词汇中,有一些拼写很相似,但它们的词义或词性却不同。英语六级考试的一条重要命题规律就是用形近词来干扰考生作出正确选择。其目的是要检测考生辨别词形和运用词汇的能力。如果考生平时不善于对形近词进行自觉的对比,对它们的差异不甚了解,那就会在答题时绯徊不定,难以作出正确的选择,甚至张冠李戴。

eg.Though the long term cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee. A.affect B.effect C.effort D.afford 答案 B。尽管工程的远期效果还无法预测,委员会还是批准了这项工程。这四个词拼写相似,但它们的词义或词性却不同。affect动词,意为“影响”;effect为名词,意为“效果”;effort名词,意为“努力”;afford动词,意为“负担得起;提供”。


3.词组与习惯用法辨析题 1)动词短语搭配 英语动词短语是英语的难点之一,它是由动词+副词、动词+介词、动词+副词+介词几种方式构成的惯用组合,具有自己独特的意义。其意义、语法、用法等常使考生感到困难。首先,动词短语的词义不是动词和副词、介词等小品词的简单组合,往往难以从字面上理解。其次,动词短语的使用场合及范围不易弄清楚。第三,同义、近义和反义的动词短语容易混淆。要学好英语,必须学会使用动词短语。测试动词短语的题目在词汇题中占有很大的比例,其目的是测试考生辨别和运用动词短语,尤其是同一动词所构成的不同动词短语的能力。

eg.The car won’t start because the battery was ._______ A.run up B.run down C.run off D.run over 答案 B。

蓄电池电力减弱了,因此汽车无法发动起来。这是一个因果关系的句子。“汽车为什么发动不起来?”原因是“电池电力减弱”。四个选项中,只有run dow


The Seattle Times Company is one newspaper firm that has recognized the need for changeand done something about it. In the newspaper industry, papers must reflect the diversityof the communities to which they provide information.It must reflect that diversity with their news coverage or risk (71) losing their readers' interest and their advertisers' support. Operating within Seattle, which has 20 percents racial (72) minorities, the paper has put into place policies and  procedures for hiring and maintain a diverse workforce. The (73) underlying reason for the change is that for information to be fair, appropriate, and subjective, it should be reported by the (74) same kind of population that reads it.

A diversity committee composed of reporters, editors, and photographers meets regularly to value the Seattle (75) Times' content and to educate the rest of the newsroom staff about diversity issues. In an addition, the paper instituted a content (76) audit that evaluates the frequency and manner of representation of woman and people of color in photographs. (77) Early audits showed that minorities were pictured far too infrequently and were pictured with a disproportionate number of negative articles. The audit results from (78) improvement in the frequency of majority representation and (79) their portrayal in neutral or positive situations. And, with a (80) result, the Seattle Times has improved as a newspaper. The diversity training and content audits helped the Seattle Times Company to win the Personnel Journal Optimas Award for excellence in managing change.





75、(有争议)meets改为meet ? value改为evaluate

76、去掉 an

77、woman 改为women

78、from改为 in


80、with 改为 as


六级题目:Changes of Ownership of Houses in China







It can be seen from the graphs that in the past 10 years , great changes have taken place in the ownership of houses in China. In the first five years, the percentage of private ownership of houses was comparatively small while the public ownership of houses was large. However, the percentage of private and public ownership of houses has been changed a lot in the recent five years, that is , the private ownership of houses was increasing fast. Meanwhile, the public ownership of houses has been decreasing .

What are the reasons for the changes? In my opinion, there are three possible reasons for the changes. First, in the past ten years, China has been experiencing a great change or reform both economically and politically. The people’s living standards have been improved a lot. Most of them do not want to wait for their turn to live in houses of public ownership as ever. They can afford to buy the houses they want by borrowing or loan from various resources. Second, most people begin to change their way of living and thinking. They do not save a lot of money in the bank for their children as their parents did in those days. They begin to enjoy the life . Third, the increasing private ownership of houses has also contributed a lot to the economic development of the country.

Then , what is the possible influence of this change? So far as individual is concerned, he can devote himself to his career without worrying about whether he will have a house of his own in the future. Because he knows for sure he can buy a house with the money he earn from his work. On the other hand, this change will certainly have a


Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Example: You will hear:

You will read:

A) 2 hours.

B) 3 hours.

C) 4 hours.

D) 5 hours.

From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o'clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) "5 hours" is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.

Sample Answer [A][B][C][D]

1.A) He will tell Mary how to operate the dishwasher.

B) He will wash the dishes himself instead.

C) He will help Bill to translate the manual.

D) He himself will operate the dishwasher.

2.A) Lose weight C) Weigh himself frequently.

B) Quit smoking. D) Have a talk with the doctor.

3.A) The woman should have complained to her neighbor.

B) The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet.

C) The woman should have stayed at the library.

D) The lab will be a better place for reading.

4.A)Check the figures later today. C) Bring a calculator tomorrow.

B) Do the calculations again tomorrow. D) Calculate the number right now.

5.A) She doesn't remember much about the cit



Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

1. A) Dick's trousers don't match his jacket.

B) Dick looks funny in that yellow jacket.

C) The  color of Dick' s jacket  is  too dark.

D) Dick has bad taste in clothes.

2. A) Call the police station. C) Show the man her family pictures.

B) Get the wallet for the man.

D) Ask to see the man's driver's license.

3. A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.

B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.

C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.

D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.

4. A) She lost a lot of weight in two years.

B) She stopped exercising two years ago.

C) She had a unique way of staying healthy.

D) She was never persistent in anything she did.

5. A) The man is not suitable for the position,

B) The job has been given to someone else.

C) She had received only one application letter.

D) The application arrived a week earlier than expected.

6. A) He's unwilling to fetch the laundry.

B) He has already picked up the laundry.

C) He will go before the laundry is closed.

D) He thinks his mother should get the clothes back.

7. A) At a shopping center. C) At an international trade fair.

B) At an electronics company. D) At a DVD counter in a music store.

8. A) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie.

B) The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie.

C) The woman prefers light movies before sleep.



Part I Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)

Section A?????

Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1.A)Because he wants to meet the woman's cousin.

? B)Because he thought he was not informed.

? C)Because the woman does not want him to join her.

? D)Because the woman goes to her cousin's place too often.

2.A)The train has just started off.

? B)Once it starts raining,it'll rain a lot.

? C)They're ready to catch the train.

? D)It has been raining for some time.

3.A)The typist.

? B)The man.

? C)The woman.

? D)A friend.

4.A)To her,math is even more difficult than biology.

? B)To her,biology is difficult,but math is not.

? C)She spends half of her time on biology.

? D)She is going to give up biology.

5.A)There was a fire.

? B)There was a shower.

? C)There was a car accident.

? D)There was a heavy snow.

6.A)They are not worth the trouble.

? B)They are inexpensive.

? C)They are too easy.

? D)They are very rewarding.


B)Next week.

? C)Tomorrow.

? D)In two days'time.

8.A)Mary will come at 7:00.

? B)Mary won't come.

? C)Mary will be late.

D)Mary doesn't want to come.

9.A)Go to a theater.

? B)Go to a dance.

? C)Go to the Stu





—Band Six—

(6 MSH 2)

Part I Writing(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled To Curb Spending? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1. 现在许多大学生花钱大手大脚

2. 有人认为社会整体生活水平提高了,大学生花钱多一些无可厚非

3. 你的看法

Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimmin



[Section A]

1.A 材料略?

A) Registering for courses.  C) Buying a new computer.

B) Getting directions. D) Studying sociology.


2.D 材料略?

A) The man will probably have to find a roommate.

B) The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs.

C) The man will probably have to buy a car.

D) The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires.


3.B 材料略?

A) Painting a picture. C) Designing a studio.

B) Hosting a programD) Taking a photograph.

[分析]从对话中可知,Prof.Brown 应邀去作嘉宾,自然,那女人是节目主持人.答案B.

4.C 材料略?

A) The woman doesn't think it a problem to get her passport renewed.

B) The woman has difficulty renewing her passport.

C) The woman hasn't renewed her passport yet.

D) The woman's passport is still valid.?


5.B 材料略?

A) A prediction of the future of mankind.

B) A new drug that may benefit mankind.

C) An opportunity for a good job.

D) An unsuccessful experiment.


6.A 材料略?

A) A lesson requires students' active involvement.

B) Students usually take an active part in a lecture.

C) More knowledge is covered in a lecture.

D) There is a larger group of people interested in lessons.?

[分析]两人讨论的'是lesson和lecture的区别,注意细节but the main difference is that you participate in a lesson whereas you just listen to a lecture,可知,lesson 中你参与,而lecture中则不然。whereas 然而,反之。答案A.

7.B 材料略?

A) Neither of their watches keeps good time.

B) The woman's watch stopped 3 hours ago.

C) The man's watch goes too fast.

D) It's too dark for the woman to read her watch.?


8.D 材料略?
