
时间:2024-09-20 11:38:39 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员


A tiger is hungry, he is looking for He sees a frog in front of

一只老虎很饥饿,他正在寻找食物。他看到一只青蛙在他前面。“Haha! A frog! My dinner!” so he rushes at the


Behind the tiger, there is a The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger’s


“Ouch!” cries the tiger and he looks The frog hears the voice and jumps into


“Thank you, little ” says the


But the tiger is very “Bother it! I’ll throw you to the sky!”


“Thank you, I like flying in the sky,” says the


The tiger stops, “I will throw you into the ”


“Oh, no! I can’t swim; I will die if you throw me into the ” The tiger threw the tortoise into the water


“Thank you, ” The tortoise and the frog swim away









The world cup holds every four years and the theme songs will be very popular around the So many famous singers try to be the lucky one because it is their great honor to sing the theme The football fans must be familiar to Shakira, who is a Latin female She has sung the theme song twice, which makes her the outstanding


Today, Shakira is famous around the She is from Columbia and she can speak many Shakira became a singer when she was a teenager, she dropped out of gymnastic and then turned to At first, she sung the Latin songs, which made her popular in the Latin But she wanted to let more people hear her songs, so she went to America and developed her Shakira made the wise choice, with her talent and effort, she not only conquers the American people, but also conquers the She is one of the most successful female



popular [?p?pj?l?] 流行的;受欢迎的;通俗的

great [ɡre?t] 巨大的;很多的

honor [??n?] 尊敬,敬意,荣誉

outstanding [?a?t?st?nd??] 突出的;杰出的;显著的

conquers [?k??k?] 攻克;战胜;克服


When summer comes, the air is stuffy and the temperature is so to the invention of air-condition, people are no longer suffer to the hot weather, they can stay at the indoors and enjoy the coolness that air-condition But the problem comes, when people count on air-condition for a long time, their bodies will be Some people feel dizzy and have no strength to do their work, some people are easy to catch the All of these symptoms are typical illness which is from air air-condition brings us comfort, we will get sick if we use it all the We need to go outside often, even is hot, what’s more, taking exercise is natural environment is suitable for us to live in, we can’t count on air-condition for a long



stuffy [?st?f?] 闷热的,不通气的;古板的

temperature [?t?mpr?t??] 温度,气温;高烧

condition [k?n?d???n] 情况,状态;疾病

air-condition 设以空调装置,装冷气机于

problem [?pr?bl?m] 难题,困难;逻辑题

dizzy [?d?z?] 晕眩的,极度的


When my wife,Diana, and I met a new couple at church one Sunday, we stopped to introduce ourselves and to exchange


We described the friendly neighborhood we lived in,and listened sympathetically as they lamented that theirs was just the


Saying our good-byes, we got in our cars and drove


As we approached our house,we were horrified to see that our new-found friends were pulling into the driveway next to



neighborhood ['neib?hud]邻居,近邻;附近;邻里情谊



A Blacksmith had a little Dog, which used to sleep when his master was at work, but was very wide awake indeed when it was time for One day his master pretended to be disgusted at this, and then he had thrown him a bone as usual, he said, “What on earth is the good of a lazy cur like you?” When I am hammering away at my anvil, you just curl up and go to sleep: but no sooner do I stop for a mouthful of food than you wake up and wag your tail to be



The House of 1000 Mirrors

Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to When he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful I will come back and visit it "

In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there "

All the faces in the world are What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?





Wolves are coming

One day the following week, the boy was herding sheep with the other shepherds on the


The grass was green, the flowers were red, yellow, white and orange, the sky was blue, the sun was shining, it was a nice colorful


Some of the shepherds started playing games, some were fling kites the boy was sitting on a pear tree and looking at his


Suddenly, the sheep started bleating and running about, the boy saw clearly from the free-two wolves were running towards the The boy shouted, “Help! Help! Wolves are coming! Help! Help!” He thought the farmers at the foot of the hill could hear him and come to But the farmers heard his shouts and said, “Don’t listen to him, the boy is playing a joke again, the boy is telling a He forgets his joke, but we don’”


This time, no farmer ran help The boy’s friends were all shouting at him, “It’s your fault, no farmer will come to help us, we don’t want to play with We don’t want to herd sheep with you!”



Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do

He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them He then addressed them in these words: “My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these ”




Time is Everyone has 24 hours in a There are 365 days in a Once a day runs out in our life, it will never come back If we love our lives, we shouldn’t waste We must control The best way to use time is to plan it

When making the study plan, we should remember two First, be Don’t try to do too many Second, a good study plan should be We may make some small changes on a weekly basis but follow the same

Let’s be the master of time, start out plan



