
时间:2024-09-20 19:31:21 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员

  英语教师面试经典合集一.幼儿英语教师面试技巧面试可能问的问题:你教了几年书?How long have you been teaching?I have been teaching for。。。 有教小学的经验吗?Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school?Yes,I did。
   or No,I didnt。 你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids?I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player,pictures,word cards,TV,magazines,games ects in my lessons。
   I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles。 能否示范一下?Can you demonstrate one lesson?Sure。
   If I teach days of the week,I will teach children a song:Sunday,Monday。。。(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune) 你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同?What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children?well,when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient。
  He/she has to use lots of songs,games,body language to help student learn English。The forms of each lesson should be different。
   Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different。 I can introduce some grammer。 I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children。
   如何让小学生对英文感兴趣?How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English?如何将你的课上得有趣?How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?这两道题的答案是一样的,只不过问的形式不一样。
  I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child。 Stories,poems,riddles,jokes songs are all good for little kids。
   I will have them practice English as a whole class,group work,pair work or independent work。Whatever works out for the children I will do it。
   There is never one way to success。 最后,请准备两个临时可以示范的游戏或是手指游戏finger play。回答时说慢点就行了。没事的。 二.教师面试技巧 应聘教师要看自己的专业,我是一名大学教师,刚经历过面试所以还是有些经验的。
