
时间:2024-09-20 15:33:12 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员





首先,我们来看这个考点常常以什么样的形式出题。 一般情况会有以下几种方式:

Why does the professor/student mention _(这里通常是人名或某一人物)?

What does the man imply/ say about _ (同上)?

大家可以看到,这两种问题方式其实与例子考点的方式非常相似, 第一种是考所提及内容目的,第二种是所提到内容的细节,所以大家理解时与例子考点一样来理解便可。



( TPO 22 Conversation 2)

第三个问题为:What does the man say about his grandmother’s music career?

A: She studied both classical music and jazz in

B: She planned a career as a jazz

C: She performed jazz music for most of her

D: She now performs both classical music and

这篇对话的主要内容是围绕着学生祖母的音乐会所展开,那么grandmother 这个任务就是个重点,这里的考的大家所提及内容的细节点。好,现在我们来看看关于其music career的细节内容原文是怎样的。

Student: I have an


Student: Well, as you read in my paper, my grandmother performs classic


Student: That’s her true But for most of her career, she performed She originally studied to be a classical But jazz was in its heyday back then, and when she got out of conservatory, she was invited to join a jazz And the opportunity was just too good to turn

从原文中我们可以得知关于这个学生祖母的演艺生涯是有一个转折点的,她由之前学习classical pianist转为在jazz orchestra演出,所以这道题是双重考点的结合。因此排除干扰项,我们的答案为C。


(TPO33 Conversation 1)

第三个问题:What does the man imply about the custodian?

A: The custodian is not usually responsible for making

B: The custodian did not follow correct

C: The custodian needs permission before making

D: The custodian had reported the problem


Employee:Well, There’s a couple of things we can I can have a custodian take a look at it and see if he can do

Student: Actually, I asked the custodian yesterday to take a But he said he couldn’t find anything He said that some of the other rooms have lost heat also and that if we’d come here you guys would fix

Employee: Oh, he did? That’s weird, because I would Well, the custodians themselves are usually supposed to report any problems right In that case, then what you need to do is Here, fill out this

可以看到,当两人提及这个看门人时,学生提到了关于其的具体细节内容就是已经帮学生检查过了,而他找不到具体问题在哪,所以他让学生来找工作人员。而工作人员对学生所提到的这些内容的所回答的语气则表明了他的态度,他觉得这个看门人这样做很weird, 所以答案选B。


(TPO 40 Conversation 1)

第二个问题:Why does the professor mention a student in another class?

A: To describe an interesting topic for a project

B: To explain the cause of her initial confusion

C: To point out that she has not received e-mails from all her students yet

D: To indicate that has several students doing projects about restaurants


Professor: I thought you were gonna come up with a hypothetical business plan for an amusement Isn’t that what you emailed me last week? I could’ve , I’m thinking of Tom from another Tom

这道题考的是老师提及这个学生的原因或目的,从原文来看老师以为来找他的这个学生是写友乐园计划的,后来反应过来是自己弄混了,想到了另一个班上学生 所以答案应该选B,解释老师一开始的困惑。

综合上述几个例子,我们可以发现, 只要对话中出现了人名或人物的时候,同学们是需要额外留意的,不仅需要留意所提及的原因及目的,也要注意对此人物所展开话题的细节内容。希望以上内容能给大家的托福听力备考带来一些帮助。
