
时间:2024-09-20 17:49:12 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员



不能同意这个观点——因为这样的说法过于片面。有些媒体(大众传媒mass media)表现得过于关注名人。但是真正的起因(the real cause)却是大众(the public; the broad masses of the people)本身——大众过于关注名人以及名人的私生活。媒体不过是在迎合大众(cater to the needs of customers;过去几年里,电视一直迎合大众的口味。In the past several years, television has been playing to the ),因为媒体也是商业机构(commercial organization),也要盈利(profit-driving)。不是所有媒体都在一味迎合大众,也不是所有的television program, newspaper column都在关注名人。








? 不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的pans and pots,使用之后会blackend or discolored,因为长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的200件disk中没有一个出现了这种情况。

? 做鼓使用也不可能发出好听的声音。这中disk使用陶土制作,即使蒙上兽皮敲击的声音也远不如用兽皮和木头制作的鼓好听。此外,陶土制作的鼓非常沉,使用不便。

? 无法当作镜子。倒入液体后,disk就必须被水平放置,这样人们可以弯腰照镜子。但是被水平放置后,有花纹的那一面就看不见了。古希腊的镜子是手持的,垂直拿在手里,这样可以随时看见镜子的花纹。


About the function of disks, the reading mentions three hypotheses, which are refuted by the listening one by one with the following

The first possible function of disks, raised by the reading, is for The listening, however, is opposite to this point by further explaining that after being heated for a long time, cookers must be blackened or discolored, just like pans and pots at our But the fact is that among the 200 unearthed disks, none of them is blackened or

Regarding to the drum theory, the listening still disagrees with For one thing, it could not produce sound that is pleasing to ears for this kind of disk is made of clay, which, even though covered with hides, could not produce sound that is better than that produced by drums made of hides and For another, drums made of clay are too heavy, making it much inconvenient to The listening, therefore, casts doubt on what the reading

Finally, the reading states that disks could serve as This opinion is in sharp contrast with the belief in the listening that it is unlikely that disks are used as After pouring liquid, disks must be laid And people could look in the mirror by bending But the problem is that with the mirror being horizontal, the side which is decorated could not be But the Greek mirrors are held by hands so that the decorative pattern is



Nowadays, many movies or films are based on Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the Which one do you prefer?


The movie industry has witnessed an unprecedented boom during recent years with endless movies coming into Among the ample supply of movies, many are based on original books, which provides the general public two choices about the order of reading books and watching Some prefer to watch the movie followed by reading the According to my preference, I would like to read the original book

The primary reason for my stance is that by reading the original book, I am allowed to let my imagination run To illustrate, the original book shows us the detailed plots without displaying the specific characters on screen or through Therefore, we are free to imagine without the constraints of Conversely, characters in the movies have already been chosen and designed including their facial expressions, body language and even dressing styles, which leaves us few chances to make full use of our imagination and curiosity to think It is no wonder that giving priority to the original books provides us with more fun, for it is imagination that contributes to

Another factor tempts me to make such a choice is that I will have a deeper understanding of what is hidden behind the movie after reading the As we all know, movies are always adapted, some details of which are unavoidably deleted owing to the limitation of Accordingly, it is highly possible that some plots and lines are too abstract to The original book, on the other hand, clearly explains the background, hence not giving rise to I always have a glimpse of the original books before reading the adapted movies, with A Dream of Red Mansions a clear case in The book A Dream of Red Mansions mainly describes a touching love story between Jia Baoyu and his cousin Lin Daiyu, which begins and ends in a luxurious Hardly could I understand why Lin Daiyu always quarreled with Jia Baoyu in the movie if I did not take time to read the

Frankly speaking, movies are short enough for us to make a quick decision about whether it is to our taste and whether it is worth reading the original But as mentioned above, movies are adapted more often than not, which cannot serve as the determining factor of whether the original book is a good

To sum up, reading the book before watching the movie is definitely a more preferable choice, for it will beget imagination and curiosity as well as a deeper













You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?



Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads from spreading is

Reading :

The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the

Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead

Educating fishers to catch If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to

Researching some poison to kill the Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native


The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential

Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are

Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of Conversely, it may lead to the increase of Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is

It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however, poison will also kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be So, native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original This is


As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ;

2、Students must volunteer to work in the university' s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own

Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?

Given detailed examples and Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized




Colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation before they start working 大学应该帮助学生做好就业准备,在开始工作前?








get a reasonable career = land a good job = secure a decent job with promising future v找到好工作

to acquire the academic qualifications they need to obtain a reasonably well-paid job v获得学历,找到高薪工作

make full preparations for the future career choice = be to well-prepared for hunting for a job v 为未来求职做好重复准备

become well-versed in specialized knowledge v精通专业知识

点评:be versed in = be adept at = excel in v 精通于……

to excel professionally v专业精通

enhance one’s competitiveness in the future job seeking v 提高未来择业的竞争优势

helps undergraduates foster a good mentality in terms of choosing career v帮助大学生培养良好的择业心态

点评: in terms of adv 在……方面

点评:undergraduates 大学在校生(未毕业)

to struggle from the bottom of the society v 从社会底层奋斗

make sb become tenacious,confident and mature v 使学生们变得坚强,自信,成熟

拓展:tenacious = strong-minded adj 坚强的

to be good at associating and communicating with others v善于和他人交往交流

adapt themselves to the future career challenges yet not come v 使自己适应没有到来的事业挑战

job-related knowledge n 和择业相关的知识

career-oriented skills n 以择业为导向的技能

Most school leavers attend universities in order to acquire competitive diplomas so that their career prospects can be 很多高中毕业生,上大学就是为了获得有竞争力的学位,以拥抱美好未来。

get a clear perspective of oneself v 对于自己有清晰的认知


Sample Answer:

The reading raises three unusual features of Titan, which are The listening, however, strongly insist that those features are

The first feature mentioned in the reading is its elliptical orbit which is different from the common satellites whose orbit is This phenomena is explained by the listening which reminds us that there are other satellites which move around The nearby satellites could exert influence on titan, hence leading to the elliptical

As to the second point, it is believed in the reading that the usual feature of massive depression, which should have been caused by volcanic eruption, but there is no volcano on The listening pushes forward another theory that instead of being caused by volcanic eruption and collision, the massive depression and crater formed as a result of The reading, therefore, is wrong

Lastly, the reading is of the view that the sand tunes near the Titan’s equator should be in the same direction with the wind direction but the opposite is It is admitted in the listening that the direction of sand tunes is originally in conformity to the wind What’s more, it is true that the top sand tunes point to the east, which is in a reverse direction to the But the truth is that under the influence of the storm, its direction has been As a result, the last phenomena is also

(240 words)



Topic: Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to


? 这样做有助于团队成员关系和谐,达成一致。

? 有利于团队明确的分工,提高整体工作效率。

? 诚然,这样做的话可能彰显不出个人独特之处,但是从团队整体来讲,团队成员的最终目的都是为了提高工作效率,因此要顾全大局。

Sample Answer:

As the core power of a group, the group members are obliged to spare no efforts to push forward the project in However, the members of a group encompass people of different characteristics, divergent way of thinking and working styles, as a result of which, someone may unconditionally follow the group's orders, while someone maybe always critical about As far as I am concerned, the former is more favorable when considering benefiting the whole

Primarily and undeniably, a higher working efficiency could be achieved if the group members could comply with the whole group’s rules and During the process of accomplishing a project, team cooperation is of great significance, which could be realized by the wholehearted dedication of all members with their divergence being Evidently, team cooperation is in direct proportion to the working efficiency of the By contrast, if a group member, when assigned tasks, always goes against the whole group’s progressing direction and working targets, a bunch of time will be What’s worse, direct conflict may arise, which brings forth great obstacles standing in the way before the project is It is due to such a disagreement within the group that exerts side effects on the working

Apart from working efficiency, another important benefit of choosing a compliant group member is all team members will work with greater Compared with harmony, disagreement never fail to fuel bias and possibly discrimination, hence creating a negative state of Under such circumstance, almost everyone loses the impetus and motivation to struggle in the group, no matter how ambitious and aggressive they are Just imagine, an English association is going to conduct an English speaking Every member of the group is allocated with certain assignment like purchasing required necessities, site layout, selecting the contestants and so on, with the purpose of guaranteeing the smooth progression of the If someone of them refuses to accept the assignment by arguing that things should be arranged in another way, it may turn out to be great hazard to the morale of the group especially when others are in agreement with the Needless to say, morale is to a group what soul is to

I tend to concede that some novel ideas and inspirations may turn out to be new blood for the whole group, but that should not be an excuse for not obeying what the majority of the members Just as an old saying goes: the minority is subject to the Those bearing different considerations should put the collective in the first

From what has been discussed above, it is safe to draw the conclusion that a member willing to do what other group members want is more favorable for a group, not only for a higher working efficiency but also for a greater



一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever


Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever


二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V

Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive


三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too


例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too




deterioration = worsen condition

end = purpose

simultaneously = at the same time

trigger = start

vocation = occupation

justification = good reason

conversely =in contrast

uniformally = consistently

constrained = forced

innumerable = countless




最早Pleistocene Climate 石器时代冰川移动。Pleistocene开始于 years ago的北极,先说用陆地上的植物痕迹之类的看冰川的移动和撤回,区分冰期和间冰期,又提到用海洋里的贝壳中含有的O18和O16的比例来判断,因为这两种氧元素的重量不一样所以温暖时期蒸发的量不同因此存留的量也不同。







三种阻止蝙蝠受到wind turbines伤害的方法。


论点1:不把wind turbines建在蝙蝠活动的地方

论点2:wind turbines晚上不运行




反驳2:蝙蝠可能会再wind turbines上休息,早上开启是也会伤寒蝙蝠






The reading passage explores the issue that there are three ways to prevent bats from being harmed by wind The professor in the lecture, however, opposes those methods by providing three specific

First, the reading passage suggests that wind turbines can be constructed in the area where bats seldom live or forage, so that the harm caused by wind turbines can be Although the professor in the lecture admits that the first method is beneficial to bats, the area with frequent appearance of bats can not be powered by the wind turbines, which is inconvenient to people living in the same Therefore, the professor's argument disproves its counterpart in the

Moreover, the writer states that we can turn off the wind turbines to avoid the harm towards However, the professor contends that bats still can be hurt by the turbines in the morning, because if the turbines are turned off, bats tent to take a rest on the

Finally, the writer asserts that wind turbines can be facilitated radar which emits special range of sound waves to irritate bats, in which keeps bats away from those By contrast, the professor provides that the certain sound waves are bad for bats’ reproductive systems, so that the third method can cause more damage to bats


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way?

-providing a room for quiet study;

-building an exercise room;

-providing entertainment place (watch film).







如果你擅长某科。你的朋友来问你问题,你会帮助他 or suggest他去找专门的老师解答.








It is a common phenomenon that students meet all sorts of problems to solve in Teachers and friends are the ones we can count on no matter how difficult the problems But when it comes to whether teachers are more valuable than our friends, some people may agree with it, for experienced tutors can guide However, I disagree based on the following

It is not to say tutors do not play an important role in dealing with They would recommend books of specific subject, provide words of wisdom and share their problem-solving mentality to pull us through hard However, we can seek help from our friends who are excelled at a certain subject or have been through the same So the merit from teachers seems insignificant compared with those brought by our

First, the problems my friends are faced with can be tackled effectively and Obviously, teachers have a heavy They have to spend hours checking books, studying material and doing research before classes to get fully Right after class there will be questions to be answered and papers to be Once my friends want to ask teachers for help, they have to make an appointment ahead of time according to teachers’ But for my part, there is close involvement in providing assistance for my friends both at home and in school At home, we can contact at any time, such as chat on some social applications to record the important points or start a video call to shorten the time we At school, we take a class in classrooms, prepare for final exams in libraries as well as have a rest in As a result, if needing help, my friends can find me wherever and .

Second, I, myself, is also a On the one hand, helping my friends gives me an opportunity to absorb knowledge in more direct and interesting Solutions to math problems are good Instead of reading about obscure concepts, we can see them presented in vivid method in various real-world Instead of reading about complicated formulas, we can see how magically these formulas are applied to a range of problem-solving Throughout the duration of explaining the understanding of the questions, I can review what I have learned and detect what I have On the other hand, it can be a helper for me to acquire essential learning To be specific, while making real contributions to coping with these problems, I am actively learning how to organize, express and transfer which are indispensable for future study even for career

Therefore, if my friends are struggling with complex problems while studying, I prefer offering help for them to advising them to find a


一般来说,衔接手段可以分成三个层次,词汇衔接 (lexical cohesion)、语法衔接 (grammatical cohesion)、修辞衔接 (rhetorical cohesion)。


- 原词重复 (direct repetition) 、同义词 (synonyms)、反义词 (antonyms)

- 来自于相同语义场 (semantic field) 和词汇链 (lexical chains) 的单词

- 使用one/ ones进行词汇替代 (substitution)


- 指代 (reference): 代词、冠词

- 使用 so/ do/ does/ did 等进行从句元素替代

- 比较级

- 时态


- 提问与回答

- 平行结构 (parallelism)

下面我们结合托福一个写作题目和对应的高分范文 (high-level responses) 进行讲解。

Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People benefit more from traveling in their own country than from traveling to foreign

Use specific reasons and examples to support your Be sure to use your own Do not use memorized

Source: TOEFL? Test Preparation: The Insider’s Guide

上面这个题目需要考生思考并比较在本国旅游和在外国旅游各自的好处,然后决定是否同意 “人们在本国旅游获得的益处比在外国旅游获得的益处更多” 这个观点。在这里我们给各位提供官方选取的高分回答,第一篇来自挪威的Aarcha 同学,第二篇来自中国的_同学。


Aarcha 同学对于题目持有不同意的观点 (Disagree),她认为到国外旅游好处更多。以下是她的主旨句 (Thesis Statement) 。

“I think that people benefit more from traveling to foreign ”


In addition to that, travelling to another country gives you the perfect excuse to learn a new For example, I’m planning to go to France next year, and I’ve already started learning basic French with the help of apps on my mobile [Learning a new language] is a wonderful thing, as it not only helps you get around in foreign countries, but also makes you attractive in the job If you’re travelling in your own country, you will never truly need to learn a new language, and will therefore miss out on the opportunity that it


该文段使用的衔接手段主要是:(一)词汇衔接中的同义词(二)语法衔接中的代词指代 (reference)

首先 “that” 是一个代词,指代文中第一个理由 “to experience new sights, cultures and food”; 另外, “another country” 是题目中 “foreign countries” 的另外一种表达形式; “it” 用来表示 “learning a new language” 的意思。全段100个单词,出现了4处衔接手段的使用,使得段落内容清晰紧密。


_同学对于题目持有同意的观点 (Agree),他认为在国内旅游好处更多。以下是他的主旨句 (Thesis Statement) 。

“I deem I can benefit more from travelling in my own ”


The most critical reason is As a traveler, I would prefer spending more time exploring my destination rather than getting stuck at the security checkpoint, sitting in the airplane, and waiting in a long queue at the custom, which are often associated with international For example, if I have a week of vacation, instead of spending 2 days on the way, I could choose a destination that may only take me [a] couple [of] hours to get there that means I have 1 extra more vacation

Secondly, ….

Lastly, international trip can cost travelers significantly more comparing to a domestic Admittedly, cost of a trip is often determined personal choice and preference but a lot of fees, such as visa and currency exchange, are often In addition, to save money in another unknown country can be a lot more


该文段使用的衔接手段主要是:(一)词汇衔接-同义词; 词汇衔接- one/ ones 替代(二)语法衔接中的比较级 (三)修辞衔接中的平行结构 (parallelism)

首先第一段中连续使用了三个平行结构来表达到国外旅游可能会遇到的不方便 “getting stuck at the security checkpoint” , “sitting in the airplane” , “waiting in a long queue at the custom”, 另外, “international travel” 以及第三段中的 “international trip” 是同义词,“domestic” 是题目中 “in their own country” 同义表达,最后 “domestic one” 当中的 “one” 也是为了避免重复前面的内容而进行指代的。

这些衔接手段的使用增加了上下文内容的连贯性,也丰富了语言表达形式,使得段落内容清晰紧密生动。 两段的内容不算多,但单从衔接手段的角度来讲还是值得各位考生学习和借鉴的。


1 如何提高托福写作?


2 托福写作审题重要吗?


3 如何提升语言表达多样性?


4 如何充实自己的托福写作内容呢?


比如体育运动能锻炼身体,这是一个大家听烂了的道理,但究竟是为什么呢?如何论述展开呢?运动 → 需要动身体 → 动身体可以让肌肉强壮、血液循环 → 提高了身体机能和免疫力 → 锻炼了身体。这样的逻辑思维靠学考试方法是学不会的,一定要按照老师的练习要求多看题,才能渐渐加快自己思考的速度。



Throughout the Greek islands, archaeologists have found over 200 plate-sized ceramic disks dating to about 20XX to 3000 The disks are typically decorated on one side, while the other side is undecorated and has a raised edge that creates a shallow They usually also have short Archaeologists are still unclear about what the objects were used Three theories about their function have been

Pans for Cooking Food

Some archaeologists believe that the objects were used for cooking These archaeologists believe that food was placed on the undecorated side and that the raised edge on that side prevented the food from falling out of the The handle would have made it easier and safer to remove the pan from a cooking fire or


Other archaeologists believe that the objects were drums for making These archaeologists point out that animal skins could have been stretched over the side with the raised edge, creating an air chamber that would have amplified sound when the animal skin was According to this theory, the person doing the drumming would hold the drum by the handle with one hand and strike the skin with the other


Yet other archaeologists believe that the objects were a kind of ancient Although the objects are not made of a reflective material, they could have been used to create a reflection by pouring a liquid, such as olive oil, into the shallow basin with the raised Supporters of this theory point out that the decorations found on the ceramic disks are similar to decorations found on hand-held metal mirrors made in ancient

Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225






1、不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的pans and pots,使用之后会black end or discolored,因为长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的200件disk中没有一个出现了这种情况。




希腊发现了200多个圆盘状的ceramic disks,一边平面的有装饰,一边是周围有突起的边没装饰的。三种理论推测用途。



1、Pans for cooking 因为没装饰那边凹进去,盛菜不会撒,且有把手好握着;


3、 古人把水等液体放进去,容器放平,弯腰就能看见自己的figure。

Lecture: 逐一反驳

1、如果用来盛菜,会使ceramic disks变得blacken and discolor,因为高温。同时出土的近200多件,太少了,不会是盛菜用的;





















缩写好吗?不好!因为首先不缩写的话可能是两个单词,缩写完单词数就少了!不过,这个点其实并不是最关键的,重点在于托福写作是应试作文,应该保持正式文体的写作风格!缩写会给人一种非正式的赶脚!所以,能够不缩写的尽量不要缩写。比如can’t,最好在托福写作中写成cannot,而can not则是英式英语的写法,记住了!


