急求英文翻译 高分悬赏

时间:2024-09-20 21:35:49 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员
急求英文翻译 高分悬赏

我们是一家面向法国、英国及荷兰的销售邮购企业,总部和仓库设在荷兰,隶属于欧洲最大的销售公司。邮购,也就是以正常的交易方式交易到荷兰,但通过互联网从荷兰的仓库中发货,就像中国的淘宝,要求包装牢固。我们正在寻找生产“邮包”的工厂。您可以参考附带图片与规格,根据包裹的大小和重量给我们报价。数量上,每个订单每月可以为1 * 40HQ(2项混合},在通过了价格、质量和测试通过率检测后,可以进行下一笔订单如果您感兴趣可以注意下我们的执照。当您回复这封电子邮件时,请回答下列问题:您的工厂拥有多少工人?去年的营业额是多少》(美元计)您具有为邮购客户供货的经验吗?哪个国家?感谢,Ninawoger 交易B.V.宁波办公室供应科

  Dear Mr.Xie, We are a mailorder company with sales to France, UK and the Netherlands. Our headoffice is in the Netherlands as well as our warehouse.  For mailorder sales we belong to the largest companies in Europe.Mailorder, that is, export goods to Netherlands as normal trading way but sell product via internet from Netherland warehouse, like Taboo in China, strong packing required.We are looking for finding the manufacture who produce the "mailbox". Please take a look at the attached pictures with the specification and send us the quotation if you are making same or similar items, based on packing size and weight.For the quantity, every order could be 1*40HQ (2 item mixed) per month and one repeat order per month after price qualtiy fty audit passed.Also remark the certificate if you approval.When you reply the email to us, please answer the following questions:How many workers does your company/factory have?What is the last year turnover in USD?How many containers can you finish in one month?Do you have experience of servicing for mailorder customer ? Which country? Thank you, NinaWoger Trading B.V. Ningbo OfficePurchasing Department
