
时间:2024-09-20 21:46:01 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员

Unit 1

1. the first day 第一天

2. the new term 新学期

3. all the students 所有学生

4. at school 在学校

5. each other 互相

6. a new building 一幢新教学楼

7. a lot of rooms 许多房间

8. how many 多少

9. two reading rooms两间阅览室

10. have a look 看一看

11. go and play 去玩

12. go and see. 去看看

13. go and have a look 看一看

14. a lot of flowers and trees 许多花和树

15. good idea 好主意

16. in the street 在街道上

17. on the plate 在盘子里

18. on the table 在桌子上


1. Is there a garden in the school? No, there isn’t.


2. Is there a reading room near the playground? Yes, there is.


3. Are there any bookcases near the window? No, there aren’t.


4.Are there any pictures on the desk? Yes, there are. 课桌上有一些图片吗?是的。

5. How many TV rooms are there in the building? There are four.


6. I’m not sure.我不能确定。

Unit 2

1. my parents 我的父母

2. live in a new house 住在新房子里

3. near her school 在她的学校旁边

4. very much 非常

5. a large sitting-room 一个大客厅

6. in your bedroom 在你的卧室

7. some dolls 一些洋娃娃

8. a map of the world 一张世界地图

9. on the wall 在墙上

10. behind the door 在门后面

11. in the cat’s mouth在猫的嘴里

12. look happy 看上去高兴

13. in the afternoon 在下午

14. in the music room 在音乐室里

15. near the bed 在床边

16. on the desk 在桌上

17. in Picture 1 在图片1

18. the rabbit in the black hat 带着黑帽子的那只兔子


1. What’s between the chairs? There’s a telephone between the chairs.


2. What’s on the table? There are some glasses on the table.


3.There isn’t a pencil on the desk. 课桌上没有一支铅笔。

4.There aren’t any pictures on the wall. 墙上没有任何图片(复数)。

Unit 3

1. have a Music lesson 上音乐课

2. sing a song 唱一首歌

3. play the violin 拉小提琴

4. listen to 听

5. follow me 跟着我

6. sing it together 一起唱

7. make a puppet 做木偶

8. make a model plane 做模型飞机
