
时间:2024-09-20 21:17:05 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员

Born in Paris on January 25, His father was a lawyer, at that time in the British Embassy in Xiaomao Mu was under the age of 10, his parents died, he was sent back to Britain by the uncle Maugham into the Royal Canterbury public school, due to short stature, and severe stuttering, often by the big kids bullying and torture, and sometimes also by the winter boring academic unprovoked Lonely desolate childhood life, in his tender soul cast a painful shadow, to develop his eccentric, sensitive, introverted The experience of childhood has had a profound impact on his world outlook and literary

In early 1892, he went to the University of Heidelberg, Germany for a , he came into contact with the philosophical ideas of German philosopher Kuno Fischer and the new drama trend represented by the same year to return to England, a London accounting firm for six weeks of trainees, and then into the London Thomas medical A five-year medical career not only gave him the opportunity to learn about the living conditions of the people at the bottom, but he also learned to use a scalpel to look at life and society in a cold, sharp His first novel, "Lambeth's Lissa," is based on what he saw during his

From 1897 onwards, Maugham abandoned medicine specializes in literary In the next few years, he wrote several novels, but in Maugham's own words, none of them could "fire the " He turned to drama creation, success, became a smash hit dramatist, London stage at the same time staged his four His tenth play, " Frederick" for a staged up to a This unprecedented grand occasion, it is said that only the famous playwright Bernard Shaw can But the bitterness of the past, the nightmare seems to stagnation in his heart, let him have a moment of peace, more and more strongly asked him to show, to decided to temporarily interrupt the drama creation, with two years of painstakingly writing brewing long novel "life's "

During World War I, Maugham first ambulance the wounded in the Belgian Fire, after the British intelligence work, to Switzerland, Russia and the Far East and other This experience for his later writing spy novel "Eshen Deng" provides After the war he revisited the Far East and the South Pacific islands; in 1920 to China, wrote a volume of "China" In 1928 Maugham settled in the Mediterranean coast of the Riviera, until 1940 when the Nazi invasion, only to hurry to

During the gap between the two wars, is Maugham creative energy of the most productive In the twenties and early thirties, he wrote a series of high society to expose the intrigues, intrigue, moral corruption, satire, such as "cycle", "than our noble people" and "faithful wife" and so The three plays are considered to be the best of Maugham's In 1933 the final version of "Xie Pei" is his last Maugham's dramatic work, the plot is tight and twists and turns, the conflict is fierce and reasonable; written characters, not much ink and prominent image; dialogue vivid natural, humorous playful, people feel fresh and But in general, the depth of content and characterization, and not on his long, short stories, although his novel works are not really The important novels of this period include: "Moon and Sixpence", which reflect the restraints of modern Western civilization and the artist's individuality and creation; "Happiness" which depicts the ridiculous and vulgar phenomenon in the literary world; and the background of the British Colonies , Full of exotic short set of "leaves of tremor" and so Short stories play an important role in Maugham's creative His short story style is close to Maupassant, rigorous structure, since the transfer of natural, concise language, narrative sounds Writers try to avoid commenting in the works, but through clever artistic treatment, let the characters in the plot to show the process of its inherent

During the Second World War, Maugham went to the United States, and spent six years in South Carolina, New York, and In 1944 published the novel "Blade". In this work, the writer tried to explore the life philosophy of a young man through the story, revealing the contradiction between spiritual and After the publication of the novel, the reaction was strong, especially by exposure to the war in the United Kingdom, the US military active

In 1946, Maugham returned to the French In 1948 wrote the last novel "Catalina". Since then, only to write memoirs and literary criticism, while their old work to sort Maugham enjoyed a high reputation in his later years, the University of Oxford and the University of Toulouse, France, respectively, he was awarded the prestigious "honor knight" In January 25th the same year, the famous British Garrick Literature Club specially hosted a banquet to celebrate his eightieth birthday; in the history of British literature by this courtesy, only Dickens, Thackeray, Trollope three In 1961, his alma mater, University of Heidelberg, Germany, awarded him the title of honorary

In December 15, 1965, Maugham died in the French Riviera, at the age of 91 The ashes were buried in the Royal Canterbury Public the death of the United States, the famous Yale University established the archives to

In my opinion, Larry's behavior is no more than a truly devout religious believers more Larry is more like a symbol, is the writer Maugham thought the microphone, Maugham through which he fully exposed the normal human beings have to explore the ultimate meaning of life sense of It can be said that, without the more vivid and varied supporting characters in the book, we can not derive from Larry the experience beyond the written
