
时间:2024-09-20 18:01:56 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员

hello,everyone. mname i++ and i'm 15-year-old .i am verpleased to be admitted to the xicheng foreign language school. mfavourite subject ichinese and english. mhobbiblown flute and reading. there ialso a vergood orchestra here. the school orchestra and thiwill allow me to learn a lot of knowledge in thithree years. i want to studwell. to give our parentand ourselvea satisfactoranswer at thiholiday. i took part in the training of the orchestra. participated in the torch relatask. i will learn a lot and i hope that i can learn more knowledge at thisecondarschool.

大家好。我叫xx。今年15岁。很高兴今年考上了西城外国语中学。我喜欢的科目是语文。英语。我的爱好是吹长笛。看书。在这里也有一个很好的管乐团。这个学校和这个乐团能让我学习到很多知识。在这三年里。我要好好学习。给自己和家长一个满意的答卷。在这个假期。我参加了管乐团的训练。参加了火炬传递的任务。 学到了很多东西。我希望我能在这所中学学到更多的知识。
