
时间:2024-09-20 18:27:17 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员



典型例题: 1999年12月第9题

A) The man should stick to what he’s

B) The man should take up a new

C) The man should stop playing

D) The man should find the cause for his



M: I think I\'m going to give up playing I lost again

W: Just because you lost? It that the reason to quit?

Q: What does the woman imply?



典型例题: 1999年12月第9题

A) The man should stick to what he’s

B) The man should take up a new

C) The man should stop playing

D) The man should find the cause for his



M: I think I\'m going to give up playing I lost again

W: Just because you lost? It that the reason to quit?

Q: What does the woman imply?



51:A) King penguins in the Antarctic will be on the verge of dying

题干定位词happen by 2100 ,a new study

原文定位:Rising temperatures and overfishing in the pristine(未受污染的) waters around the Antarctic could see King penguin populations pushed to the brink of extinction by the end of the century, according to a new 其中 the brink of extinction 为 on the verge of dying 同义词;by the end of the century为by 2100同义词

) Industrial fishing and climate change could be fatal to certain Antarctic

题干定位词learn from; the findings of a separate study;原文定位:Earlier this month a separate study found that a combination of climate change and industrial fishing is threatening the krill(磷虾) population in Antarctic waters, with a potentially disastrous impact on whales, seals and 本月初的另一项研究发现,气候变化和工业捕鱼威胁着南极水域的磷虾,对鲸鱼,海豹和企鹅有潜在的灾难性影响。其中certain Antarctic species同义替换 the krill(磷虾) population in Antarctic waters, whales, seals and penguins; be fatal to为threaten的同义替换

) The majority of them may have to find new breeding grounds in the

定位词:king penguins题文同序

原文定位:Le Bohec said: “Unless current greenhouse gas emissions drop, 70 percent of king penguins- million breeding pairs-will be forced to relocate their breeding grounds, or face extinction by ”其中 relocate their breeding grounds为 find new breeding grounds的同义替换; 70 percent of king penguins为The majority of them的同义替换

) Many baby king penguins can't have food in

定位词: sea levels rise; in the Antarctic原文定位:This means that king penguins, which feed on fish and krill in this body of water, have to travel further to their feeding grounds, leaving their hungry chicks for Leave their hungry chicks for longer为 can't have food in time同义替换

) Only a few of its islands can serve as huge breeding grounds for king

定位词:Southern Ocean文章定位: Only a handful of islands in the Southern Ocean are suitable for sustaining large breeding 其中Only a handful of islands =Only a few of its islands ;suitable for sustaining large breeding colonies为can serve as huge breeding grounds 同义替换



Socialdistancing is putting people out of work , ……



) It may make us feel isolated andincompetent .

) They do not find all their onlinefriends trustworthy ) Paint a rosy picture of a the rpeaple'

They should record the memorablemoments inpeo-ple's lives

Strengthen ties with real - lifefriends instead of caringabout their online image

) Ruining their culture .

) Different chimp groups differ intheir wayofcommu-nication .

) Chimp behavior becomes less varied withthe increaseof human activity .

54C) Study the unique characteristics ofeach generation ofchimps,

] Conserve animal species in a noveland all


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long At the end of each conversation, you will hear four Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just

A) A six-month-long

B) Preparations for the

C) A project with a troublesome

D) Gift wrapping for the

A) Take wedding

B) Advertise her

C) Start a small

D) Throw a celebration





A) Start her own

B) Improve her baking

C) Share her cooking

D) Prepare for the

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just

A) They have to spend more time

B) They have to participate in club

C) They have to be more responsible for what they

D) They have to choose a specific academic

A) Get ready for a

B) Make a lot of

C) Set a long-term

D) Behave like adults

A) Those who share her academic

B) Those who respect her student

C) Those who can help her when she is in

D) Those who go to the same clubs as she

A) Those helpful for tapping their

B) Those conducive to improving their social

C) Those helpful for cultivating individual

D) Those conducive to their academic

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just

A) They break away from traditional ways of

B) They are prepared to work harder than anyone

C) They are good at refining old

D) They bring their potential into full

A) They contributed to the popularity of skiing

B) They resulted in a brand-new style of skiing

C) They promoted the scientific use of skiing

D) They made explosive news in the sports

A) He was recognized as a genius in the world of

B) He competed in all major skiing events in the

C) He won three gold medals in one Winter

D) He broke three world skiing records in three

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just

A) They appear

B) They lose

C) They become

D) They die almost

A) It has an instant effect on your body

B) It keeps returning to you every now and

C) It leaves you with a long lasting

D) It contributes to the shaping of your

A) To succeed while feeling

B) To feel happy without good

C) To be free from frustration and

D) To enjoy good health while in dark moods

A) They are closely

B) They function in a similar

C) They are too complex to

D) They reinforce each other

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four The recordings will be played only After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just

A) They differ in their appreciation of

B) They focus their attention on different

C) They finger the piano keys in different

D) They choose different pieces of music to

A) They manage to cooperate well with their

B) They use effective tactics to defeat their

C) They try hard to meet the spectators’

D) They attach great importance to high

A) It marks a breakthrough in behavioral

B) It adopts a conventional approach to

C) It supports a piece of conventional

D) It gives rise to controversy among

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just

A) People’s envy of slim

B) People’s craze for good

C) The increasing range of fancy

D) The great variety of slimming

A) They appear

B) They appear

C) They look

D) They look

A) Culture and

B) Wealth and social

C) Peer

D) Media

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just

A) The relation between hair and

B) The growing interest in skin

C) The color of human

D) The need of skin

A) The necessity to save

B) Adaptation to the hot

C) The need to breathe with

D) Dramatic climate changes on

A) Leaves and

B) Man-made

C) Their skin

D) Hair on their

A) Their genetic makeup began to

B) Their communities began to grow

C) Their children began to mix with each

D) Their pace of evolution began to


Part Ⅰ Writing

Home should be where people feel secure and Maintaining harmony at home is essential for the well-being of an individual, a couple and their offspring, and even the But many are being plagued by family discord, a problem that boils down to the lack of a sense of family

Everyone has certain roles to take on in his or her Parents are expected to ensure their children are well-nourished and well-educated, helping them build a strong body and great We college students also need to take our responsibility as adult Being independent of our parents as early as possible lightens the financial burden on Learning to be mature and sensible can prevent us from becoming a constant source of worry to Fulfilling our filial duty to the best of our abilities allows them to enjoy life in midlife years, retirement and the twilight

In brief, a sense of responsibility among family members is a prerequisite for a warm and loving Often far away from home, we may start by keeping in contact with our parents, as a means to meet our obligations as part of our

Part II Listening Comprehension

Section A

Section B

Section C

Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A

Section B

Section C

Part IV Translation

The plum blossom, the king of China's top ten famous flowers, originated in southern China and has been cultivated for over 3000 In the depths of winter, colorful plum blossoms bloom vibrantly amidst the wind and snow, unhindered by severe The plum blossom, a symbol of strength, purity and elegance in traditional Chinese culture, motivates people to brave hardship and forge Since ancient times, many poets and painters have been drawing inspirations from plum blossoms and created countless immortal Plum blossoms are also very popular with the general public and often used as home decoration during the Spring Nanjing has designated the plum blossom as the city flower and holds the Plum Blossom Festival each year, which attracts thousands of people to Plum Blossom Hill to enjoy the full bloom in the snow irrespective of the severe




According to psychologist Sharon Draper ,our clothing


) current

28O) wardrobe

) accessories

) current

) engaging

) frame

) positively

) reluctant



If you think life is wonderful and expect it to stay…












第一套:Do music lessons really make children smarter ?

[A] A recent analysis found that most research mischar-acterizes the relationship between music and skills enhance

[N] Did he have a hidden talent that others didn't have?Or more endurance than his peers ?Music researchers tend,like Schellenberg ,to be musicians themselves ,and ashe noted in his recent paper,…

[c] Schellenberg had long been skeptical of the science supporting claims that music education enhances children's abstract reasoning, math, or language ……

[G] After computing their assessments, Schellenberg concluded that the majority of the articles erroneously claimed that music training had a causal ……

[O] But those convictions should be checked at the en-trance to the lab,he ,the work becomes re-ligion or "You have to let go of your faith if you want to be a "

[H] To argue for a cause-and-effect relationship, scien-tists must attempt to explain why and in how a connection could When it comes to transfer effects of music……

[D] The 20XX paper was specifically designed to address those And as a passionate musician, Schellenberg was delighted when he tuned up credible evidence that music has transfer effects on general intelligence……

[J]Neuropsychologist Lutz Jancke "Most of these studies don't allow for causal inferences, "he over two decades, Jancke has researched the effects of music lessons,

[F]For his recent study, Schellenberg asked two research assistants to look for correlational studies on the effects of music found a total of 11 4 papers pub-lished since

[I] But Schellenberg remains highly oritical of how the concept of plasticity has been applied in his field,"Plasticity has become an industry of its own "he-wrote in his May


(D)In Atomic Habits, I wrote, "Humans are herd We want to fit in, to bond with others,and to earn the respect and approval of our

(G)False beliefs can be useful in a social sense even if they are not useful in a fnctual lack of a better phrase, we might call this approach"factually false, but socially "…

(M)The most heated arguments often occur between people on opposite ends of the spectrum,but the most frequent learning occurs from people who are nearby……

(F)We don't always believe things because they are Sometimes we believe things because they make us look good to the people we care about…

(N) Any idea that is suffciently different from your current worldview will feel And the best place to ponder a threatening idea is in a non-threatening environment…

(E)Understanding the truth of a situation is important, but so is remaining part of a While these two desires often work well together, they occasionally come into conflict……

(I)The way to change people's minds is to become friends with them, to integrate them into your tribe, to bring them into your

(C) What's going on here? why don't facts change our minds? And why would someone continue to believe a false or inaccurate idea …….

(O) There is another reason bad ideas continue to live on, which is that people continue to talk about Silence is death for any idea……….

(H) Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing them to change their tribe…

第三套:No one in fashion is surprised that Barberry burnt 28 million of stock

[G]Over- production is perhaps the biggest concern forBurberry . While there has been much outrage at the elitist思connotation of burning goods rather than making them

[B] The practice of destroying unsold stock , and even rolls of unused fabric ,is commonplace for luxury labels .Becoming too widely available at a cheaper price through discount stores discourages full -price

[K] While these are honorable schemes ,it makes it harder for Burberry to defend these latest figures . Fifteen years ago,Burberry was at criis point as their signature check pattern was widely imitated by cheap ,imitation brands

[E]In an online forum post ,which asked if it's true that Louis Vuitton burned its bags,Ahmed Bouchfaa,who claimed to work for Louis Vuitton , responded that the brand holds sales of old stock for staff members twice

[L]Bina believes that brands need to re address their “Exclusivity elf is being to be challenged ,"she "I think that goes hand in hand with how luxury its challenged

[D] A source ,who chose to remain anonymous , shared her experience working in a Burberty store in New York inC October “My job was to toss items in boxes so they could besent to be

[F] Richemont ,who owns several luxury brands ,hit the headlines in May for taking back 437 million of watchesfor destruction in the last two years to avoid markeddown price It's not just luxury brands either . .

[J] One such partnership is with Elvis&Kresse,anaccessories brand working with Reclaimed materials .Co- founder KresseWesling said,“Late last year we launched an Ambitious five - year partner ship with the Burberry Found

[A] Last week ,Burberry's annualreport revealed that million worth of stock was burnt last year . The news has let investors and consumers outraged but comes as little surprise to those in the fashion industry .

[H] In September 20XX, Burberry switched to a" see now,buy now"catwalk show The move was a switch to leverage on the coverage of their fashion weeks how to make stock available immediately to consumers .



The trend toward rationality and enlightenment was endan-gered long before the advent of the World Wide

)It initiated a change from dominance of reason to su-premacy of

)It is conducive to critical

) It has rendered their interactions more

) It was viewed as a means to quest for

)They are constantly seeking approval from their

According to a recent study,a small but growing proportion of the workforce is affected to some degree by a sense of

)They feel they deserve more than they

)They were spoiled when growing

) Seek ways to sustain their

)They convey their requirements in a straightforward

)Those who can be counted on to fulfill commitments


The subject of automation and its role in our economy has taken hold in American public

)Their fading employment

)The concerns about the effect of trade are

)They feel increasingly

C)Its alleged positive effects are

) People's economic

Look at the people around are passive,others more

) They tend to overly rely on

) They are useful in comparing cultural values across time and

)An individual's financial status was often

)They may not be taught how to properly interact with overseas

D)Nationality is less useful than socio-economic status as an indicator of one'


Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touch someone ?

)Its absence might suggest a lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships .

)How close the communicator‘s relationships are .

) They take touching as a cultural norm in social

)Men can show friendship in public through physical

)Take other people's preference into consideration .

From climate change to the ongoing pandemic (大流行病) and beyond ,the issues facing today's world are increasingly complex and dynamic .

)It faces problems that are getting more varied and

) People are divided about the nature of interest .

)How a growth mindset of interest can contribute to cross-disciplinary thinking

) Making innovative products needs multidisciplinary

) Broadening their interests .






32. 答案D。?



【详细解答】minimize=casuse to diminish to the minimum,切合题意。maximize使增加到最大极限,与题意相矛盾;theorize用理论证明;standardize使标准化?




【详细解答】settle up结帐;draw up起草;work up激起(感情);come up走近、被提出。?

34. 答案C。?

【参考译文】 有些人把货物偷运到中国以逃避关税。?


【详细解答】steal 偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗; transport 传送, 运输, 流放, 放逐; smuggle走私;import输入, 进口。只有smuggle符合题意。?

35. 答案D。 ?




36. 答案B。?

【参考译文】 店员的脏话冒犯了帕尔默先生。?



37. 答案C。?



【详细解答】negligible 和negligent是同根易混词,要注意区分,前者表示“微不足道的”,后者表示“疏忽的,粗心的,例如;Because the mechanic was negligent about fixing the brakes on her car,she was involved in a serious accident.ignorant无知的,不知道的;negative否定的?

38. 答案C。?

【参考译文】 当票价上升后,参加音乐会的人数减少了。?


【详细解答】presence 意为“到场


41. 答案C。?




42. 答案A。?





43. 答案A。 ?

【参考译文】 Helen不知道漆房子花了多少钱,她要是知道的话,我敢保证她再不会原谅



【详细解答】虚拟语气, 表示与将来事实相反。 ?

44. 答案 B。?



【详细解答】have sth. done: sth. 是被做的,故用过去分词做补语 ?

45. 答案C。?

【参考译文】 优秀的科学家总是对问题的方方面面进行考虑,以期找到有效的解决途径。





Part Ⅰ

Listening Comprehension(20 minutes) ?

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

? Example: You will hear:

You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room.

? C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. ?

From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) “ At the office ” is the best answer. You should choose [ A ] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. ?

Sample Answer [ A ][ B ] [ C ] [ D ]

? 1. A) Riding a horse. B) Shooting a movie.

C) Playing a game. D) Taking a photo.

? 2. A) She ' ll type the letter for the man. ?

B) She ' ll teach the man to operate the computer. ?

C) She doesn ' t think his sister is a good typist. ?

D) She thinks the man should buy a computer.

? 3. A) John can share the magazine with her. ?

B) She wants to borrow John ' s card. ?

C) She ' ll let John use the journal first. ?

D) John should find another copy for himself. ?

4. A) She promised to help the man. ?

B) She came a long way to meet the man. ?

C) She took the man to where he wanted to go. ?

D) She sugges



六级考试即将到来,为了巩固大家的知识,我们请考试专家编写了一些练习并配有答案与详解供大家学习.Passage One

短文大意: 文章叙述了英国南方铁路公司因宣布关闭从林登到邦斯太博之间的铁路引起了一场抗议风波。从这个悲伤的小故事中可以看出当年英国人对他们铁路的态度。从中现代人也可以得到某些启示:我们不再满足于我们目前所处的时代,而以往的,实实在在的东西却令人难以忘怀。?

21. 答案A。?



【详细解答】在短文第一段里有一句话:Moreover, the line ran through the heart of popular tourist district. What would the holiday maker do without it? (这条路线穿过一个著名的旅游中心,没有了它,那些假日的游客怎么办?)从这里不难看出这是反对关闭铁路所持的理由之一,故A为正确答案。 ?

22. 答案C。?



【详细解答】文章第二段开头说得很清楚:Mounting local oppsition resulted in a meeting at Barnstaple, where the crowd was joined by very local protestors from the other end of the line at  Lynton. (当地反对的浪潮高如山,于是在Barnstaple召开了大会,铁路另一端的Lynton来的人加入了这个行列。)这就清楚地说明这条铁路的关闭遭到了来自两个地方人的强烈抗议,即Barnstaple和Lynton的人们,故C为正确答案。 ?

23. 答案D。?



【详细解答】作者对召开这次大会的人们持批评态度。这可以从文章第三段文字中所表达出来的语气中看得出来。当大会主席问到从Lynton来的'人有多少是乘火车来的时候,人群中竟鸦雀无声,他们都是由公路乘汽车来的。这段文字的叙述充分表达了作者对这些人所持的批评态度,故D为正确答案。 ?

24. 答案A。?



【详细解答】从文章的最后一段,特别是最后一句话,可以判断出作者的意图和想法。Of that age, Britain’s railways are the most eloquent and enduring reminders.(当年,英国的铁路成了最动人心弦、最令人依依不舍、缅怀往事的纪念品了)。故A为正确答案。

25. 答案C。?



【详细解答】文章一开头,就明确告诉读者:One day in 1935 the management of Britain’s  Southern Railway (as it was call




Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversa

tions. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

Example:You will hear: ?

You will read: ?

A) 2 hours.B) 3 hours.C) 4 hours.D) 5 hours. ?

From the conversation, we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at 9 o ' clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. T

herefore, D) “ 5 hours ” is the correct answer. You should choose on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. ?

Sample Answer ?

1. A) Dick ' s trousers don ' t match his jacket.

B) Dick looks funny in that yellow jacket.

? C) The color of Dick ' s jacket is too dark.

D) Dick has bad taste in clothes.

? 2. A) Call the police station. B) Get the wallet for the man.

? C) Show the man her family pictures. D) Ask to see the man ' s driver ' s license.

? 3. A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.

? B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.

? C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.

? D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.

? 4. A) She lost a lot of weight in two years.

B) She stopped exercising two years ago.

? C) She had a unique way




PartⅠ Listening Comprehension

Section A

(Ring... ring. . . Sound of phone being picked up. )?

M: Hello, Campus Daily, advertising department. This is Mark speaking.

F: Hi. I’m calling to place a couple of ads.?

M: Sure. Under what classification??

F: Well, I want one in the“Roommate Wanted” section.?

M: All right. And how would you like that to read??

F: Ok, it should read Female roommate wanted for pleasant, sunny two? bedroom apartment on Eliiewood Avenue, three blocks from campus. Share rent and utilities. Available September 1. Call between 5 and 9 P.M. and ask for Cecilia.

M: Fine. And what about your other ad? ?

F: That one I’d like under “Merchandise for Sale,” and I’d like it to read “Matching blue and white sofa and easy chair, excellent condition, $ 350 or best oiler. Call between 5 and 9 P.M. and ask for Cecilia.” Did you get all that?

M:Uh- huh. You’ll want your phone numbers on these, right?

F:Oh, sure. Thanks for reminding me——it’s 555- 6972.

M: And how long do you want these ads to run??

F: For a week, I suppose. How much would that be??

M: It’s five dollars a week per line. Each of your ads will take up three lines, so that’s $15 per ad.

Section B

5. M:You see,a marine biologist is now appearing on the screen.

W:Yeah.We are now being taken on a tour familiarizing with life in the salty depths.It’s an interesting tele teaching lesson.

Q:What are the man and woman doing?



2003年6月21日大学英语六级考试真题(Part I-Part IV )

Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said - Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Example: You will hear:

You will read:

A) 2 hours.

B) 3 hours.

C) 4 hours.

D) 5 hours.

From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o'clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) "5 hours" is the correct answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.

Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]

1. A) Riding a horse.

B) Shooting a movie.

C) Playing a game.

D) Taking a photo.

2. A) She'11 type the letter for the man.

B) She'll teach the man to operate the computer.

C) She doesn't think his sister is a good typist.

D) She thinks the man should buy a computer.

3. A) John can share the magazine with her.

B) She wants to borrow John's card.

C) She'll let John use the journal first.

D) John should find another copy for himself.

4. A) She promised to help the man.



Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Example: You will hear:

You will read:

A) 2 hours.

B) 3 hours.

C) 4 hours.

D) 5 hours.

From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o'clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) "5 hours" is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.

Sample Answer [A][B][C][D]

1.A) He will tell Mary how to operate the dishwasher.

B) He will wash the dishes himself instead.

C) He will help Bill to translate the manual.

D) He himself will operate the dishwasher.

2.A) Lose weight C) Weigh himself frequently.

B) Quit smoking. D) Have a talk with the doctor.

3.A) The woman should have complained to her neighbor.

B) The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet.

C) The woman should have stayed at the library.

D) The lab will be a better place for reading.

4.A)Check the figures later today. C) Bring a calculator tomorrow.

B) Do the calculations again tomorrow. D) Calculate the number right now.

5.A) She doesn't remember much about the cit



Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

1. A) Dick's trousers don't match his jacket.

B) Dick looks funny in that yellow jacket.

C) The  color of Dick' s jacket  is  too dark.

D) Dick has bad taste in clothes.

2. A) Call the police station. C) Show the man her family pictures.

B) Get the wallet for the man.

D) Ask to see the man's driver's license.

3. A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.

B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.

C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.

D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.

4. A) She lost a lot of weight in two years.

B) She stopped exercising two years ago.

C) She had a unique way of staying healthy.

D) She was never persistent in anything she did.

5. A) The man is not suitable for the position,

B) The job has been given to someone else.

C) She had received only one application letter.

D) The application arrived a week earlier than expected.

6. A) He's unwilling to fetch the laundry.

B) He has already picked up the laundry.

C) He will go before the laundry is closed.

D) He thinks his mother should get the clothes back.

7. A) At a shopping center. C) At an international trade fair.

B) At an electronics company. D) At a DVD counter in a music store.

8. A) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie.

B) The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie.

C) The woman prefers light movies before sleep.



Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Example: You will hear:

You will read:

A)2 hours.

B)3 hours.

C)4 hours.

D)5 hours.

From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o'clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon.Therefore, D)"5 hours"is the correct answer.You should choose [D]on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.

Sample Amswer[A][B][C][D]

1.A)It's far from being ready yet.

B)It contains some valuable ideas.

C)She needs another week to get it ready.

D)It has nothing to do with the Internet.

2.A)The woman is a kind?hearted boss.

B)The woman is strict with her employees.

C)The man always has excuses for being late.

D)The man's alarm clock didn't work that morning.

3.A)The bank near the railway station closes late.

B)The bank around the corner is not open today.

C)The womon should try her luck in the bank nearby.

D)The woman should use dollars instead of pounds.

4.A)Wait for about three minutes.

B)Try dialing the number again.

C)Call again some thme later.

D)Make an appontment with Dr.Chen.

5.A)He felt upset because of her failure.

