
时间:2024-09-20 19:42:56 来源:风铃百科 作者:管理员


There was once a guy who suffered from cancer, a cancer that can't be cured. He was 18 years old and he could die anytime. All his life, he was stuck in his house being taken cared by his mother. He never went outside but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once. So he asked his mother and she gave him permission.


He walked down his block and found a lot of stores. He passed a CD store and looked through the front door for a second as he walked. He stopped and went back to look into the store. He saw a beautiful girl about his age and he knew it was love at first sight. He opened the door and walked in, not looking at anything else but her. He walked closer and closer until he was finally at the front desk where she sat.


She looked up and asked, "Can I help you?"


She smiled and he thought it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen before and wanted to kiss her right there.


He said, "Uh... Yeah... Umm... I would like to buy a CD."


He picked one out and gave her money for it.


"Would you like me to wrap it for you?" she asked, smiling her cute smile again.“


He nodded and she went to the back. She came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the store.


He went home and from then on, he went to that store every day and bought a CD, and she wrapped it for him. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out and he really wanted to but he couldn't. His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her. So the next day, he took all his courage and went to the store as usual. He bought a CD like he did every day and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped. He took it and when she wasn't looking, he left his phone number on the desk and ran out...




One day the phone rang, and the mother picked it up and said, "Hello?"


It was the girl!!! The mother started to cry and said, "You don’t know? He passed away yesterday..."


The line was quiet except for the cries of the boy's mother. Later in the day, the mother went into the boy's room because she wanted to remember him. She thought she would start by looking at his clothes. So she opened the closet.


She was face to face with piles and piles and piles of unopened CDs. She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one. Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. The mother picked it up and started to read it. It said: Hi... I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.


The mother was deeply moved and opened another CD...


Again there was a piece of paper. It said: Hi... I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.


Love is... when you've had a huge fight but then decide to put aside your egos, hold hands and say, "I Love You."



GratItude and plentItude. They're the two ends of the same bone. CombIned, they're the marrow of mIracles. The structure of success.


When I clear the mental clutter and focus on the present, I'm Instantly remInded of how blessed I am.


Look Into your own lIfe. If you scrub away the make-up of IllusIon and ImpurItIes of jealousy — can you see the clarIty of grace? Can you understand how treasurIng what's rIght In front of you Is worth your tIme?


GratItude grounds plentItude In the now. When you honor who you are, what you do, and what you have, your energy wIll change. You wIll start to glow. People wIll be drawn to you because that gratItude glow Is rare In our current culture. I'm hopIng to brIng It back.


It's my desIre to kIck off a gratItude cascade throughout the world so that we may InspIre each other to lIve our best lIves yet.


We're here, each and every one of us, because we have a unIque gIft to share. It's my wIsh that we're both bold and humble enough to embody our dIvIne potentIal.



While walking across an open, grassy field, I became excited as my hand swooped toward the ground like an eagle attacking its prey.


I picked up half of a $5 bill. I continued to walk around looking for the other half but thought to myself it would be impossible to find it on such a windy day.


As I lifted my head, I spotted the other half of the bill tangled in crabgrass.


Somehow, finding two halves of a ripped $5 bill felt better than working for a twenty.



Mrs. Green was the manager of a large company and she frequently had to have meetings with other business people in a room in her building. She did not smoke at all, but many of the other people at the meetings did, so she often found the air during the meetings terrible.

One day,after an hour, her throat and eyes were sore and she was coughing a lot, so she called a big air conditioning company and asked them to work out how much it would cost to keep the air of the meeting room in her building really clean.

After a few days the air conditioning  company sent  in two estimates2 for Mrs. Green to choose from. One estimate1 was for $5,000 to put in new air conditioning, and the other was for $5.00 for a sign which said, NO SMOKING.

格林太太是一家大公司的经理,必须经常在她大厦内的房间跟其他的生意人开会. 她本人不抽烟,但是许多其他来开会的人却抽烟,所以她常常觉得会场里的空气令人难受.


几天后受理空气调节的公司开了两张估价单供格林太太选择. 一张是花五千元来安置新的空气调节设备,另一张是花五块钱买一个“请勿抽烟”的牌子.


From August 1st to August 15th I fasted from complaining. Yes, that's right. No more "I'm tired" grumbles at 3 p.m. at the office. No more yelling at cars that cut me off on 440. No more snapping at people for not listening. The highlight of the two week period? I validated that I'm not a terrible, negative person, AND optimistic people tend to live longer according to some studies. And I'm optimistic enough to believe these studies are the correct studies.


So here you go: The top five things that occurred when I stopped complaining, both the good and the bad.


1. I realized that I don't sleep enough. The biggest complaint that I had to bite my tongue on?


"I'm tired." Or a variation of "I'm exhausted." American culture leaves us seeking to thrive off of no sleep and Starbucks. And is it really worth it to feel that negativity quite literally every day? I found myself almost getting annoyed with myself for being so tired. On the same note, I annoyed myself when I felt like uttering the complaint, "I'm starving." No, Alexii. You don't actually know what it really means to be hungry (so maybe you aren't THAT tired either).


2. I argued less.


I'm not exactly one to pick a fight, but I noticed how many stupid arguments I can have in a week. If my fiancé Alex said something I disagreed with, I couldn't immediately react. This helped me not snap -- and more importantly it made me think before anything came out of my mouth. I'm pretty sure we've been told since kindergarten, "Think before you speak" but I noted how often I neglect this simplest piece of advice.


3. Angst builds up.


Here's the deal: this experience was overall a positive experience for me. It truly made me reflect on my reactions to situations. That being said, sometimes people just need to vent. There was one day that I came home completely exhausted and slightly emotionally distraught. Instead of engaging in conversation with my friend that was at my house or my fiancé, I straight up shut down. It's almost as if I didn't know how to be positive in that moment. It was strange. And I went to bed early that night. But on a lighter note...


4. Negativity is a state of mind.


When you stop yourself from uttering negative speech, you begin to notice how negative your thought process tends to be. Sure I didn't verbally complain when I was tired or annoyed -- but I still continued thinking them. And as much as negative speech can wear you down, negative thoughts are just as dangerous.


5. I prayed more.


If I was forced to turn the negative into the positive, I turned to God. Perhaps its from prior experience--but for whatever reason, it happened. And my spirit felt nourished.


And at the end of the day? Shit happens. After my fast from complaining, I had what may have been one of the worst days I had experienced. Imagine tough conversations that were draining but necessary (and even worse after the conversation, nothing was resolved) compiled with other people's negativity. Then add a few "first world" problems as I like to call them -- a poor night's sleep, a shattered phone, and a stalling car. What did I do? I complained. Where did it get me? Not too far. I noted a day later that things really aren't that bad. People have good days and people have bad days -- but the truth is? It's all about your outlook.

